Natural Teething

What's the problem, Honey Girl?
Are your teeth bothering you?
Well, good thing we have this amber necklace for you to wear!

A little bit of information on amber teething necklaces:
"Amber teething necklace is a traditional baby teething remedy. A natural analgesic, amber used for centuries in Europe. Wearing Baltic amber close to the skin will help calm a baby without resorting to drugs. Natural anti-inflamitory and pain relieving properties of baltic amber are perfect to soothe teething babies.
Many parents are looking for a homeopathic product that provides relief for teething symptoms. Baltic Amber teething necklaces are the ideal solution when you choose to care for your baby in a natural way.
Amber necklaces are made for wearing, not for chewing as amber exhibits its pain relieving qualities when worn on the skin. Please use caution and supervise your child while using the necklace!
In Europe, amber, a natural analgesic, is commonly worn by babies and young children to help with teething difficulties. The amber is said to reduce inflammation caused by teething when worn close to the skin and promote a stronger immunity to common infection as well as assisting general well-being.
Very cool looking baby necklaces made of baltic amber gemstone beads that make a very unique gift for both parents and child. Baltic amber has be known to reduce acidity in the human body in a totally natural way. By having the baby wear the necklace everyday it helps reduce the common symptoms related to teething such as; redness in the cheeks, swollen gums, diaper rashes and fevers."

Plus, it just looks cute. I can't tell you how many compliments Honey gets on her accessory!

From having two prior teething babies, I can attest that gum pain is not the only issue babies have as a result of teething...we often had diaper rashes due to the tons of dirty diapers in a teething period...because babies produce more saliva when teething, it's too much acid for their tummies to handle, which result in acidic (trust me, you will be able to tell the difference in both texture and smell-yuck) dirty diapers which quickly irritate the skin. If you cloth diaper, this is disastrous as cloth diapers are not as absorbent than regular diapers... be sure to check out my home remedy for diaper rashes if you're dealing with this issue!

So, what do we get when we have an adorable amber necklace on a very sweet Honey Girl?

A drooly pain-free lizard-baby. (you guessed right, didn't you?)
Tell me, have you heard of this natural remedy--did it work for you?

For the Love of the Meadows

We're back!
(apparently the children are not too excited about leaving)
It's amazing to me to see how the children grow and multiply every year. There was a huge difference in the level of play this time around...the girls segregated themselves from the boys and spent most the time out on their own, in their little world of wonder. It was the first year that we were able to sit and read, chat, and relax without major needs requiring attention. It was fantastic!

The girls, what can I say? These ladies are the most wonderful, loving, loyal, true, and fun group of girls. To be back here in Simpleville, with my "sisters" is the greatest gift. I also happen to turn the big 3-0 during our trip...they were there to help me sort through my distress and self-realization. (insert pity sigh here)
Sister got a lot of one-on-one time as the kids were so busy playing, one of us was always able to hold and cuddle with her...and she by far, is the greatest cuddler I have ever seen. She will bury her head into your chest as if directly melting your heart, and just rest there like a blanket. I do love her so much. Daddy Mock does as well.
A lot of fishing took place. Both boys are pretty great at casting, and both caught a fish!
But my definite highlight of the trip was watching these two further their bond. Yes, they're neighbors. Yes, we are all very tight, but the conversations and dynamics between these two somehow make you want to laugh, cry, and peek into the future at the same time.
This is a caught moment of them spending the majority of the morning sorting through fishing supplies.
Bee again was quite the entertainment. People do love to watch Bee. They don't believe our crazy stories of his actions or behavior until they are able to watch him in action...he's his own show. The Bee Show. He happen to break or sprain something in his foot two days before we left. It didn't seem urgent and since his pain tolerance is about as high as the heavens, he was fine.
He hobbled on a swollen foot the entire time, but not one complaint. Love that Bee.
We are sad to be back, yes. This is one vacation that we never seem to want to end.
Past trips (oh, Bee was so scrumptious last year!): 2009, 2008