Otherwise Known as Catch Up

There's no true purpose to this post other than the fact that I have been mourning small updates of my children. Personal statements or observations towards each one. 

 I feel like I write many moments on my heart, yet I know in years to come only so many will stay with me.  I made a point to bring out my camera a few times in the past month or two.  Sadly, these are all of the images wrapping up the end of our (not so) winter.

A few words to hopefully awaken a memory in time to come...

Scarlett turned five on January 24th. What a wonderful birth story to share with her and her always welcoming ears.  This day is so special to us because it's a testament to promise and faithfulness. Hope. This girl still remains quite a mystery to us.
 Lately she refuses to wear anything but dresses, summer dresses that is. I have learned to let go of my dreams of dressing her, even shopping for her because it has become such a battle. I had to really dig deep to figure out that it was more about my pride and my preference over her opinion and point of view. So, she wears dresses. Sometimes completely barefoot on a walk in the middle of a wind storm. And she couldn't be happier.  This outfit I somehow caught her wearing, soon to be changed, of course.
 Ladida sent us this beautiful dress and hat combo.  Since I have been slacking in taking their yearly portraits, we decided to take advantage of her adorable outfit and snap a few pictures.  
 With what was maybe five minutes, she started happy and quickly turned sad.  Still figuring out this girl thing. It's quite volatile. Lord help me!
School. Lots of school.  We are in a wonderful rhythm right now and we have really figured out what works best for all of us. Everett has especially decided to become very disciplined in his work, which is a welcome relief as all he really wants to do is play or draw.

Carter just completed his third grade math curriculum. He is so proud to be working at a fourth grade level. His goal is to blow through fourth as well.  He's quite a kid.

We use some sort of art medium every day. It keeps everyone's minds open and receptive.  Creative and energized.  We mix it throughout the week depending on when we need that creative push. 
Sometimes it's first thing in the morning, other times we save it for the end of the day.
 Scarlett is such a blessing. She has taken on the role of Mother Hen and boss lady in the morning. She directs and instructs the twins for a good two hours while we get the bulk of our neccesary work done.  Often I will ask them to head to her room where she will lead "reading lessons", "cooking class", and of course play house and puppies.  I am so grateful for this dynamic. 

A lot of the books we are reading are set in pioneer days, where children had far more responsibility, work ethic and freedom than children today.  It's been invaluable, what they are learning through literature.  It inspires them in so many ways.  We had finished up Swallows and Amazons; a tale of a group of siblings who were able to sail their boat to an island and camp on their own for a week.  They were nearly the same ages as my oldest three. So much creative play came from it.  I let them just go with it as it seemed to be a physical form of narration. Of course, they woke one morning needing to make a fire.  Normally I would wait until after school work was done, but the sun was rising and it seemed about right.
I've been learning a lot lately to say yes to little things that seem to be a bother, but will hopefully be written on their heart as special memories and experiences.

Everett observed one day that the birds would stay longer if they had to "work for their food".  Since his observation (which has been proven true thanks to some charting!),  the whole crew has been making mud/ bird seed pies.  This way the birds have to peck through the soil which causes them to stay longer even with a bunch of children watching through a window!

While the babies nap (which has been fewer and far between), Scarlett is expected to do "room time".  You will often find her sitting as close to the doorway as she can.  She loves her brothers and hates to be left out of anything. 

Feet. :) Treasuring each of these moments.
My new, very unrealistic goal is to hop on here once a week.  Without having content even, just to document the children.  I'm afraid the longer I go, the harder it is to pick up the camera.
We have an incredibly busy month ahead with several birthdays and travel for both Jason and I, which seems like no better time to start. ;)
See you soon.

Life Changing Bedding

Before introducing something to you that will completely change your life (you think I am exaggerating), I would like to just let you know that this post is not sponsored. My blog is not a place to promote products, but if something is worth mentioning, I am always willing and hoping to share the information for others.  I mean, we all can work together to promote peace and sanity, right?

That being said, I was recently informed of this amazing, life-changing product: Beddys. As soon as I was sent the information, I was sold. We have five beds in this household.  All five are made every morning as a requirement.  I would like to say that the children have always meticulously made their beds, but that would be a lie. Layers of blankets and sheets shift in the night and while they try their best, beds are always a mess, even when made.
Truth is, I secretly straighten pillows and blankets out after the children have made their beds, just so that I can relax when I pass by their rooms (I'm hoping I'm not the only neurotic mom that does this? Anyone?!).
I've even tried to eliminate the problem by removing the top sheet.  With the bunks, I've cut a queen duvet in half, sewn the raw edges and tucked it into the bottom of the bunk so that there isn't excess fabric hanging down and all around. But still, there's always blanket parts coming down under the top bunk and blankets shifting, coming undone, etc. No matter what I have tried to simplify and keep things tidy, it has never solved the true problem.
 This may not be a big deal for some people, but I struggle with a little bit of OCD or perfectionism, minimalism, whatever you want to call it. It's there. While I feel like I have died to a lot of it with all that we have going on, I do know one thing: a tidy and kept house allows me to be a peaceful mother, which certainly effects our little school house and the attitudes around here.

So, let me introduce you to Beddys. We were sent a few to test out and before even receiving them I knew they were something special. A very welcome addition to our home. Please see in the photo below that there are no hanging blankets or sheets, just one, soft comforter tucked nicely and tightly around the top bunk (well, assume the Mexican blanket isn't there!).  This bedding is an all-in-one product. It fits like a fitted sheet, functions similar to a sleeping bag (but looser because it has a zipper on each side), but looks like a comforter, nicely tucked in. It takes 20 seconds to make. NO JOKE. I timed the boys (this was a fun math project, haha). 20 Seconds and it looks as if I have nipped and tucked and smoothed out and straightened. It is genius. The woman who came up with this deserves some sort of serious award. If I could hug and kiss her, I would. ;)
If my description hasn't quite painted a picture as to how it works, check out their video here
I am so grateful that we came into contact with this company!
Originally when I was checking it out, I was looking at the pricing and it threw me off for a quick second. But when you start factoring in sheets, blankets and comforters, it's actually a steal (especially if you choose to buy your kids' bedding at brand name retailers). A steal that saves your sanity! Plus there are various designs that allow you to style each one according to your child's taste.

Scarlett chose the white ruffles, to no surprise. Even with her tiny little fingers she can make it on her own.  She chooses to fold hers back a bit because she loves the fleece polka dots to show.
 This is after she made it on her own, no joke:
 In the image below, you can see the zipper, which from standing view, is completely covered. You would never know how this bedding functions based on the looks of it.
I can't rave enough about this product. Primarily because it saves me from a little extra time and annoyance, but more so because the children are completely comfortable, warm, and independent. They are proud of how well they can make their bed now (or should I say "zip" their bed?!). 
Life changing, I tell you. :)
Thanks, Beddys, for making our morning a bit more enjoyable!