Harvest Happenings

What a relaxing family day! Daddy Mock took the boys to Home Depot while I showered (it's shower day, you know). Umm, somebody tell me when the toddler and baby I had turned to kids?
After some great naps (had by all but the one building a baby, sigh), we attended the neighborhood block party... I love this neighborhood! We blocked of the cul-de-sac and hung out while pirates, fairies, pumpkins, fish, elves, soccer players, and gladiators chased each other around. It's perfect weather to be outside until dark!
While everyone split ways to trick-or-treat, the Mockabee fam attended our church's Family Fun Fest...what a great set-up! Lots of games, prizes, candy, and fun for kids of all ages.
Notice the double basket by the Mockaboys? I chose that photo to display their cosmic athletic abilities (wink, wink)!
The block party is still going on, but this Bee is silent in his bed. Mommy Bee is headed to her bed and we're all hoping Daddy Mock is bringing home some bacon tonight from the poker tourney.
Hope you had a great evening and don't forget to set the clocks back (aye, dare I look at the clock when my children rise tomorrow morning?)!