
But they smell sooooo gooooood!

Well, unfortunately candles aren't good for you. In fact, they are loaded with carcinogens (cancer causing agents), toxins, reproductive toxins, and more. They are just as harmful as inhaling second hand smoke. Yuck. I'll pass.
What to do when the season prompts the smell of fresh gingerbread or cinnamon?

If you choose to do the candle route, make sure you check the label. Paraffin candles are extremely toxic...read their ingredients here. Beeswax are the best kind, derived from natural beeswax, however, certain countries allow a beeswax candle to be labeled "beeswax" if it contains as little as 10% beeswax, meaning the rest is most likely paraffin.

You can choose soy candles, which are again a more natural route, however contributing to anything "soy" is contributing to the huge soy industry, which is now made up of genetically modified soy beans. Again, I'll pass.

Our natural "holiday scent" remedy is found in the fruit bowl.
When needing a bit of spice in the air, cut up some apples, steam with water and cinnamon and you have a wonderfully seasonal sweet and spicy scent dancing through your home!
The best part? You can use the remnants to throw in some apple bran muffins or toss them in your pancake batter the following day.

It's good stuff, I tell you, and toxin-free!
I guess an apple a day really does keep the doctor away (wink wink)....