Crime Scene

It was a cloudy morning, with little promise of sun. A Mommy arose, a bit earlier than intended, but at least there was time to shower before all the offspring were up.

It was to be a fun day. A Valentine's party was to be attended, complete with a short walk, to and fro. The Kid was to ride his bike. The Bee was to ride in the stroller, the Honey Girl was to sleep as planned in her infant seat.

The plans were all working accordingly. Children groomed and ready, Mommy groomed and ready, infant fed. Group on time.

They took off for their journey without a hitch.
They swing by the neighbor's to do a group trip to the party destination.

They arrive at the party. A lot of food and a lot of toys for the Kid and the Bee to enjoy.

The Mommy peaked in at the Honey G and found her eyes wide open. Napping infant: Failed.
The Mommy throws the orchid sling on for a back up. Honey G obliges and naps peacefully.

Party is enjoyed by both children and Mommy.
Mommy glances at clock and notices that it is dangerously near nap time for boys and feeding time for infant. Mommy attempts to gather children without a fit, knowing full well that the Kid gets very touchy near nap time, also fearing the ride back on his bike.
There was reason for fear.
The Kid did exactly as the mom had imagined. 1, threw an emotional fit, not lasting long, but definitely just the foundation for what was to come. 2, The Kid refused to ride his bike home as his legs seemed to be "just too tired and not strong enough". 3, the infant started stirring through the interaction and also started rooting on her Mommy's chest (and soon started wailing out of hunger). 4, The Bee demanded the lollipop he spied in his Valentine's bag.

Although the walk home lasted shy of ten minutes, a major crime scene errupted within that time.
Although the party was a major success, the transition to nap time was a complete failure.
Although the Mommy had all three children napping for a good hour combined, the neighbor's dog kept escaping and sneaking into her own yard, digging, barking (very loudly for the three sleeping children to be easily woken from), and whining for his missing owner's (who happen to still be at the party). No rest for the Mommy.

Top Secret Evidence:
Passersby did, in fact, give the sympathetic nod as they saw such a scene along the cold and empty streets.
The Mommy could do nothing but smile in defeat (and pray for serenity).