How To Treat Your Man

Dear Honey Girl,

Sometimes your man will be scared. He will not admit it, but you must be his anchor, you must make him feel strong and adequate, you must steer the ship while he figures out the sail. You must trust and believe in him, even when he's afraid.

Occasionally your man will be sassy. What he needs is a good pinching of the cheeks. He may also need other "forms" of affection. Be gentle in spirit (your Mommy is very much working on this, so you may need to pay attention to Gigi on this one), and the sass should soon disappear.
At times, your man will be just plain boring. What he needs is a good ear to listen. Make sure he feels you are listening. Pay attention mostly when he's talking from the heart, but if he's just talking to talk (trust me, you'll know the difference), this is always a good time to do your weekly meal planning or sort out your "to do" list for the day. Just make sure you always keep one ear open. Respond with a question now and then, don't give advice (your Mommy is working on this one as well).
Every day, Honey, every day, make sure your man is your friend. When you go through trials in life, he will always be there, and if you're good friends, the ride will be much more pleasant. There may be tears on occasion, but there will always be plenty of laughter, and laughter is what carries you through.