This Bliss: Year 5

This is the fifth year of heading up to Kennedy Meadows with our crew. The kiddos grow, there are new babies every year, and different variations of kids... but it sure is fun to look at the "Kids on a Log" photo every year and compare...
We had a great time.
I am learning that the more I work, the less I use my camera for family stuff. This translates to me needing to work less...because what's life all about anyway? Family. That said, I'm hoping to start controlling my schedule a little bit more once wedding season passes. I miss taking pictures of my kids.

With the help of Zofran (which is avoided except for emergencies--camping is one!), I was able to keep all food down and stay remotely content with my nausea. It was a nice break.

Back to reality, it took me three hours to get ready for the pool today! I'm out of practice with our daily summer fun.

Look at that cute group of kids. Surely we will be making them do this even as teenagers. It's too special to ever pass up!