My little men have been very entertaining as of late.
There's a lot of talking, squealing, kicking, waving. They sure know and love their Momma.
They're quite keen on Everett as well. He gets the most smiles out of the older kids.
August: Charming
He certainly melts my heart. He has a way about him that wins you over. He's very happy, very excited, and enjoys a party. When we're out and about, he is less likely to nap in his car seat. But if you're wearing him, he's completely content.
Elias: Peaceful
Elias enjoys a good snuggle. He's more apt to rest his head on your shoulder rather than looking around. After a diaper change, if I leave him on the floor near nap time, I will come back to his room to find his hands above his head and him fast asleep. He most always falls asleep in his car seat, whether we're driving or not. I've always appreciated his extra suits his character quite well. :-)
I had a weird revelation the other day. As I was chatting with Ozzie, I looked at his dimply smile and remembered the same smile, some seven years ago. When I was pregnant with Carter, I had a vivid dream of what I thought was my unborn son; he was bald, with blue eyes and the smiliest little thing. When Carter was born, he had a head of hair, and was definitely not the baby I dreamt of. Fast forward seven years and I now have that smiley little baby.
Pretty phenomenal.
ps-amazing what wearing different colors do...both babies have the exact same color of eyes, but Oz in blue has blue eyes and Eli in green has green eyes...tricky tricky!