Me and You

Kid. You're not featured here much lately because usually when I have the time to sit and snap, you're off learning at school. 
For two years, it was me and you, you and me. 
We did a lot together. 

 You went everywhere with me. On my runs, coffee dates, day long play dates at friends' houses. When it was me and you, we went to actual "places" in zoos, museums, malls, you know, the things you do with a kid or two. 
 We spent a lot of special time together, me and you. And now, here we are. 
 You are the oldest of five. You are well aware of how special one-on-one time is and a pang of guilt hits me for that, but also, the time you and me have together is so very very special. We use it to it's fullest. 

 The love token system, which has been mentioned lately, is a reward system that you are thriving on. It's based on showing love to others and to your Mommy and Daddy by doing things without us asking. Sometimes you get a token for opening the door as a gentleman-ly thing to do...other times, you get a token for helping your sister clean up her room, bring the trash up, encouraging your brother, etc. At the end of the week, we go through the list and you cash in your tokens at the love bank. Each item can cost from one to ten tokens. At the very top of the list is a one-on-one date with Mommy and Daddy. You've chosen a date with me each time.

I had to document today's date as you moved me with our conversation.
We went to Starbucks (naturally), and as we were sitting there chatting, I casually asked you why you chose a date with me.
You replied, "I know you miss me a lot during the day when I am at school.  When I come home, you still have to take care of four other kids, so I know that you really would enjoy this time with me" (you are SO your dad--thinking of others before yourself).
I was a little bit taken back as his answer was so matter-of-fact.  It wasn't about him. It was about me.

Then we talked.
He wanted to know the difference between an architect and an engineer.  He decided he still wants to be an engineer as he feels it takes more skill.  He's hoping to acquire some sort of set of legos that work like a sewage system that he can construct and pretend it's underground (any tips for me on that one?).  It has to be at least grey so it looks like metal pipes.
He told me about math and how he wishes it would be a little harder.
He told me of his love for sports and how he likes not having a ton of muscle because he thinks it would slow him down.
He told me I looked beautiful.

A woman came over as we were about to leave.  She had been sitting behind us the entire time working on her computer. She interrupted because she felt like she had to tell us the following, "I was blown away over your conversation.  I am sorry, but I couldn't stop eavesdropping.  This is some child you have and an amazing relationship. You two brought me to tears in the way that you spoke with each other".
Then we left, and I got very emotional myself.
The past six years have just flown by with all of the moves and additions of children and such.  I realized that I took you for granted and our relationship, just you and me. I miss you. I miss us.
I sure hope you choose a date next week with me.
And for the record, he saw my red shoes and retrieved his to wear so we would be matching.
He's some Kid.