Nature Day

Suddenly an intense urgency came upon us to visit every location up here that will be flooded with summer tourism.  We have become so spoiled, having our woods and rivers to ourselves that the idea of sharing with anyone, let alone masses of people, is a bit overwhelming and stressful.

Acting on said urgency, we decided to visit Calaveras Big Trees last week.  The kids had been asking all year, but for some reason, a 45-minute drive seemed cumbersome, when in all reality, it was restful and we were able to get some car schooling done (I never did realize how efficient the car can be for mental math, spelling, memory work, etc!).

Our little homeschool group.

I may have forgotten to pack the stroller, which was a major parent fail. On the flip side, it was great exercise. :)

They have learned that "Nature Day" entails a back pack filled with nature journals, field guides, microscopes, etc. We have been learning about John Muir and his influence on them has really heightened their curiosity and desire to document even more than they have before.  The image below was so beautiful to witness.  This was taken inside of a long, hollowed-out tree.  Carter had found the only sliver of light to journal under.  

The visitor center had a wildlife exhibit.  Even the babies were able to identify quite a few of the animals. This was such a good day.  All of the kids said it was one of their favorite memories thus far. :)