Cancer and Hope

In the past five weeks, not only have I been eagerly anticipating attending and preparing to speak at the Wild and Free conference, but our household has been researching and praying about the recent biopsy that showed melanoma on my left leg.  I honestly never knew how serious melanoma was and wasn't shaken over the news. Not until I understood how erratic and unpredictable the cancer could be did I fully comprehend what our family was faced with. 
I wish I would have journaled the entire time, but I didn't.  However, I did journal the past few days leading up to my appointment at the Hoxsey clinic in Tijuana, Mexico, and the experience of spending my day there.  It's a bit vulnerable sharing this journey, but I have known since the beginning that the Lord has a purpose for this journey and part of that is sharing the alternative route for treatment that we have chosen. To bring awareness and hope.

After a long and fulfilling weekend of sharing, listening, and learning at the Wild and Free homeschool conference, I am sitting in an empty and quiet hotel room with views of a very smoggy Mexico. It’s been a few weeks since I found out that a mole removed off of my leg was positive for melanoma. At first, this was not concerning for me. But when I found out the protocol for how to handle such a small little problem, I was shocked, and suddenly a small little mole turned into the reality of the big “C” word: Cancer.

A pendulum of thoughts and emotions swept over me, but ever so briefly. Because I knew. I knew he was there, I knew he was there weeks ago, when a tugging voice was preparing me. There has been nothing but peace and the raw tenderness that comes from any shaking news or challenge. The tenderness that was there when we made the big decision to pull our children from the stability of a loving school and take them back into our own home for the training of their hearts and minds. I had been asking for him to bring it back. So it comes as no surprise and I am basking in it.

Still, though, flesh wrestles, and as I was on my run, the morning after I found out, I told the Lord, “I’ve got this, I’ll just be brave, and we’ll make it through it like any other ordinary obstacle.”  He corrected me, saying, “No, I’ve got this. You will reside in me and I will carry you.” And all of sudden my perspective changed. This has nothing to do with me. I am a willing vessel and he is free to do anything he would like in me and through me. Whether the physical end result is disease or death, It doesn’t matter. He’s got this. And I know that the eternal result is always life.

Do I think about my children? Absolutely. How can I not?  Carter is the exact age that I was when my father was diagnosed with brain cancer. I remember it clearly. But I gave my children to the Lord years ago, and I know he has the very best for them (this in no way means I’m planning on dying, to be clear!). It’s all too familiar, but the only emotion I am even able to experience is hope. And the only way I can wrap my tiny brain around it is knowing that there is a larger purpose. And I am so excited.  WE are so excited.  Jason has been nothing but supportive and at peace with every bit of this journey so far. United. In him.

Immediately my dermatologist set up an appointment for me to go to Stanford to start the long and invasive process that goes along with having a melanoma. I had a big job in San Diego the weekend after, so I had to set any thoughts aside so I could focus on providing the client with what they needed.  Upon returning, I began to do research, because I didn’t have an ounce of peace going through the typical US protocol. As I began my research, the Hoxsey Biomedical Clinic immediately hopped up. Actually over and over and I became intrigued with its history and all of the amazing testimonies I had scavenged through. Anytime I would read something, the entire screen would blacken out and the name Hoxsey would visibly light up. I just knew this was the path to go on, but it seemed to be too simple of an option!  I prayed the Lord would allow me to get in touch with a previous Hoxsey client so that I could have some sort of conversation with a success story. I googled the name of a woman that wrote a testimony back in 2006 (that again, was highlighted for me), and to my surprise, I was able to find her cell phone number! I called her immediately and she answered on the first ring. She was actually in Tijuana at that moment, with friends who needed to visit the clinic. All the information she shared with me was exactly what I needed to hear and complete confirmation of what the route was to be.

Since that conversation, there has been nothing but peace and understanding. We know God is all over this. We know he has plans to bring healing to many people who need hope. And we get to be a part of it!

Morning before meeting for Hoxsey Shuttle:
His quiet whispering:
“You don’t have to do a thing, just rest in me, Child. You don’t have to do a thing, just trust in me. You have my heart, have courage, I did your part. Come closer, look in my eyes. Beloved, I satisfy.”

Afternoon at Hoxsey, waiting for results:
The morning started with confusion... a van full of first-time patients, none knowing what to expect and a driver splitting couples up so that the patients would all be seen. Lots of prayer. For peace over the vehicle and for my own heart to be set at ease. Making small and friendly comments, it was clear most of the patients were in no mood to talk. They were nervous of the impending day ahead and upset to be separated from their spouses. I mean, here we are, a group of cancer patients, getting shuttled to Mexico without much knowledge of what's to be expected. I will never forget that moment.

Upon arrival, we entered a gated mansion, piled high on top of thousands of houses. We all shuffled into the clinic like vulnerable children. Within minutes, we were given a hand-written paper with our name on it and were brought into a single room, in which we are to all undress (there were private stalls for this), put on a blue, clean robe, and do a urine test. The man facilitating this process did not speak English, so quickly, we became a unit that helped each other figure out the smallest details as to how to put the robe on and where to put the urine. From that point forward, we had all chosen community over privacy.  Stories started being shared as we moved from room to room getting labs and x-rays done. Suddenly we were in it together with the common thread of cancer and the unknown. But there wasn’t sadness, nor despair. Just hope.

Back in the US, after a 2-hour trip across the border:
I’m so tired.  Today was long, but I need to document this. I met with my doctor two different times today. Once for a physical and once when he explained the labs to me. The only way I can describe him is that he made me feel much like my midwife had made me feel when pregnant.  Loved. And important. He asked questions no other doctor would ask, which made me realize I was in the right place. He didn’t rush me and took interest in me, even while I knew other patients waited there in the lobby to be seen next.  He explained my labs to me and praised my diet choices, explaining that because of how we choose to eat, my body has been working efficiently to fight off cancer!  What good news. He walked through each lab with me explaining the melanin activity going on, but how my body is supporting the process of building antibodies and supporting a strong immune system. He still put me on the Hoxsey diet (similar to Paleo) and prescribed the infamous herbal Hosxey tonic as well as multiple herbal supplements that aid in fighting off melanoma. I guess melanoma is an unpredictable and lethal cancer that is hard to tame.  Catching it and treating it whether it’s internal or not, is the best course of action. I just knew I didn’t want to do it through scans and surgeries and removal of lymph nodes (which is the protocol here in the US). I am so grateful. So tired, but incredibly grateful.

Home with my babies. They love me so much!  I have gotten so many meaningful hugs and kisses. I’m so honored to be their mother.  They are elated over the report and are excited to help me start with the diet and supplement routine.  What treasures.  

Jason and I spoke about how anti-climatic yesterday was.  We had been waiting weeks to know any additional information about what was going on with me only to find that most things are well.  While we are praising God, I mean REALLY praising God, we also find ourselves asking as to how he’s going to work through this situation?  One thing I’m assured of is that more people need to know about this clinic.  

There are thousands of testimonies and high survival rates coming from Hoxsey, yet it seems like no one really knows it exists. Like the woman I hunted down via-Google, who stated that it’s her personal mission to inform people of this place, I too have become a part of that plan.
If you know someone who has cancer (don’t we all?!), please inform them of this option. It is completely non-invasive (meaning no surgeries or chemo/radiation) and the tonic has a history of healing even the most terminal of cancers.  There is so much hope at Hoxsey and the people working there are serving because they believe in what they are doing and are sending people home to get healthy.  And restart their life.  And I am so grateful to have become a part of that community.
Thank you, Jesus!

Whether you are facing cancer or not, it's super important to be read up on this information. I met a young 25-yr-old mother at Hoxsey that was just diagnosed with lymphoma. She had watched the documentary "The Truth About Cancer" just two weeks prior to her diagnosis. She said she would have never considered going through an alternative route had she not seen the documentary and then researched the truth and alternatives more deeply.

Helpful links:
Truth About Cancer Documentary (there is a series, it's a bit raw, but at least try to watch the first one)
I completely understand this route is not for everyone and not everyone feels comfortable "risking" this avenue.  In no way am I informing you of this clinic to try and change your outlook or make any specific statements about the medical industry. We trust in God and how he leads us to make decisions. Sometimes that has required medical care, other times that has been to seek out natural alternatives.  It's just a part of our journey. But one thing that we are confident in is that he uses each of our stories to nudge and encourage one another to possibly seek him for answers and I am always willing to be a tool for that purpose. 

Please feel free to email me with any questions or to send my email to anyone who is hoping for different answers. This clinic is an alternative clinic that handles things much different than western medicine, yet still has higher success rates.  

Moving On, and Then Not

For a few months, I have felt the need to share what has been going on with our family, due to an unattractive journey of discontentment on my behalf, but honestly, I just have not had the words. And it's embarrassing. But this place here has become more of a place of risk all due to what I feel the Lord prompts me to share. I don't know why. But I said "anything" to him. So there you have it.
For the past six months or so, I've been earnestly watering the seed of discontentment that I believe comes in each human heart from the moment we're born. A seed is just a seed, but when one waters and cultivates the soil it can turn into a full grown tree which can provide shade for a whole army, and, well, that's kind of what became of my little seed. 

We are a family of seven living in a 1650 sq ft. home. It's cozy and it has been and continues to be a haven for our family. From the moment I stepped foot in it (back when it was in it's original 60's brown glory), I knew. There was such a sense of peace and confidence in knowing that it was the home the Lord had for us. The reason we bought it was because of the price and the fact it had acreage. We envisioned our-then three children climbing the trees and picking apples from the apple tree (which now may be dead from the draught!).  We previously had a habit of going "big" and stretching our means when it came to homes and items of consumption, so for us to buy a humble fixer-upper was a true step in stewardship, and we felt incredibly grateful to be able to do so and make wiser choices for our family.
Shortly after we had moved in (and had done a complete budget remodel), we found out our family of five would be a surprise(!) family of six... then months after that, surprise(!) a family of seven. Hands down the best surprises we have ever had. Those boys add so much joy to our family!
 They also add noise.  As do the other three children, all in a home that is 1650 sq. ft. With the newly heightened awareness of constant noise, combined with a sudden urge to need a school room, my little dormant seed of discontentment grew rapidly. I continued to dwell on what we didn't have or what we needed. All along the way, the Lord would whisper "be happy", or show me through scripture what true contentment was. 

 But he is so good. He let me just run the course, as he knew I would, dragging my family along the way in the search for something bigger. We found a neat place that was big enough for our family, it even had a school room and plenty of property for the children to roam.  Of course it was dated and needed quite a bit of work. A new project to add on to our already-full plate, and the added bonus of an increase in our mortgage payment. Doesn't it sound like a great success plan?! Goodness. I must be a treat to live with. :) We found out that it had an offer on it and decided in one day to list our home and write an offer on the bigger house.  It was accepted and we moved quickly into sell-mode, losing appreciation for our house by the day. 

Within days of being in contract, the house fell through and rather than a great sadness, I experienced an immediate peace. Even after the excitement of sketching out the new kitchen plan hundreds of times and planning all the DIY projects and budgets, a larger house brought on the worry of a bigger payment and more maintenance. Suddenly, our humble home seemed just that: humble.
At that point our house was still on the market in case we were able to find something new. But deep down, I knew I needed to do what my Father had been asking me to do all along, which was to be happy and to be content.  To thrive where we currently are.
I felt so fickle and wayward. Correction. I was so fickle and wayward. We brought our realtor through all the hoopla, along with friends and family just to end up right where we had begun. As humbling as the process was, it brought and continues to bring great appreciation to where we are and why we are here.
 Just as our home was purchased with a heart of stewardship, we are learning to be content without moving forward. We are choosing to take care of what we have and to do it with wisdom and steadiness. 

It's humbling to sit down and teach my children about discontentment, to reform their opinions of our own home and property, and even more humbling to ask their forgiveness for bringing them through this process. But perhaps that was part of the purpose as well. So that they can see an example of "fickle and wayward" and see how God gently brings his child back to his plan. :)
Who knows what the Lord has in the future. Perhaps he does have that larger, quieter home with a school room off the kitchen for us. But for now, he's asking us to be still and to be stewards. And that is what we will do.
On a side note, I realized I haven't posted very many pictures of what we have been up to. These images are from a sweet little trip we had to the town of Bolinas.  We were house sitting for some friends and were able to enjoy their wonderful and quaint town, while fitting in some tide pooling and bird tagging observation. It was really a special time and I'm glad I made an effort to document some of it.