Their Core

“Masculinity is an essence that is hard to articulate but that a boy naturally craves as he craves food and water.”
John Eldredge, Wild at Heart

It's why we are giving them this life.
To encourage their masculinity.
To teach them to take risks.
Get up.
Help your brother.

“A man needs a battle to fight; he needs a place for the warrior in him to come alive and be honored, trained, seasoned. If we can reawaken that fierce quality in a man, hook it up to a higher purpose, release the warrior within, then the boy can grow up and become truly masculine.”

John Eldredge, Wild at Heart

While our goal of learning all the hidden jewels in our area is becoming attained, I've seen so much more than than reaching that goal being gained.

I see little men rising up before my eyes.
Husbands and fathers that are being given the opportunity to fulfill the need for adventure from such a young age.  With little boundaries.

I laugh, because at home, indoors, we run a tight ship.  A lot of expectations for behavior and responsibilities. But if they open the door, they know...they are free to go.

I pray that they never lose the understanding of true adventure.
It's not a video game.
It's not the fridge.
It's not on television.
It's in their physicality.
It's movement.
It's outdoors.

I pray that when they seek out their spouse, that they find someone who understands this need.  It will never leave them.  It never does. It's their core.
“The recipe for fun is pretty simple raising boys: add to any activity an element of danger, stir in a little exploration, add a dash of destruction, and you’ve got yourself a winner. The way they ski is a perfect example. Get to the top of the highest run, point your skis straight downhill and go, the faster the better. And this doesn’t end with age; the stakes simply get higher.”

“Don’t climb on that, don’t break anything, don’t be so aggressive, don’t be so noisy, don’t be so messy, don’t make such crazy risks. But God’s design–which he placed in boys as the picture of himself–is a resounding yes. Be fierce, be wild, be passionate.”

John Eldredge, Wild at Heart

Faith & Adventure

Another long break. 
I hop on here the night of my grandma's passing. I'm not going to get emotional or dramatic on here, don't you worry. We're rejoicing in her returning home. Grief may sneak in here or there in the future, but from a practicality sense, I'm elated for her. 
She deserves the eternal life that she's just been granted. Life can't get better than that!

I've mentioned "change" going on in our home. My lack of documentation has been a result of a situation in our home that has been quite, shall we say...different?
Sparing unneeded information, nearly six months ago, the Lord specifically told Jason to leave his job. He actually used the word, "flee".

Now let me be clear on this... Jason, my numbers, by-the-book, cautious, and providing husband is not the type to just leave a job.  The Lord was also very clear with him that he was to leave without setting anything else up, a journey of faith and rest was in his future.
At the end would be a land of milk and honey.

With just two months of savings in the bank, we were confident that the Lord would provide instantly.
Which He did and has.
But not in a job.

Just as the Lord fed five thousand people with two fish and five loaves of bread, our savings continues to be stocked with enough for us to survive nearly six months later.
Some of you reading this may have played a large role in that.  And we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
We began our marriage a prideful couple. College educated, making fairly good money, young, immature.
Not until the past few years did the Lord really start to work on that.
The twins were the beginning of a journey that has taught us how to need and rely upon our family in Christ.  It was painful to learn to receive at first, but upon learning came great joy, knowing that one day we will return the favor in some way.

My grandma (and grandpa) played a large role in that.  Giving was all they knew.  Yet, they were always cared for.  One day, when they randomly handed us $100, I stood there refusing the money.
My grandpa laid his hand upon my shoulder heavily, and sternly said these words,
"Listen here. You better learn sooner than later how to receive. You do nothing but diminish the blessing when you act that way".  From that point on, I understood.
It's a cycle.
We give, we receive, we give, we receive. It's how His Kingdom is intended to be here on earth.

Good thing we learned quickly, because there has been a great deal of receiving.
The humility involved with being "unemployed" even through obedience has been quite a journey.
The other day, I was sharing with Jason my reluctance to even use that word. From a sinful and judgmental perspective, it sounds lazy. Which Jason is far from. But we know the truth.
We know what has been promised.
And when Christ chooses to do a work in someone, rarely is it painless. It's a journey of strength.

Jason has been documenting his daily time with the Lord.  I ask him to share often as the words flow from his mouth so beautifully.  The journey he has led us on as a spiritual leader in this home has laid a new foundation for a new normal in our life.
He is in God's will.  God is in him to do it.

While the rest promised has been present in our household, the journey has not been easy.
Unemployment does a number on a marriage! :-)
I say that because the past six months have been the most difficult of our past nine years.
But boy do we understand God's purpose of marriage now.
And it's far from attaining personal fulfillment, although we're learning it's the after-effect of two people submitting to each other and to Christ.

It's an adventure we're on.
One day, we'll look back and it will be but a tiny puzzle piece in a complex puzzle.
With such large promises from Christ, we're so curious to see what he has for us.
We aren't looking for money (we've learned that it's not needed if you're in the will of God!!).
We're looking for obedience.
I'm so grateful for a man who has listened to the call, who is obeying, and who is leading his family into the Promise.

In the meantime, we are exploring this county that we live in.
There is so much to do.  Beauty everywhere.
We have been going here and there, testing out different places.
And guess who has been meeting us there?!
The creator of it all.