All in a Day

I've been wanting to document a full day in images for my children... wouldn't it be fun to have a look at a day in your childhood? 

 I sure wish I had a glimpse. 
 Anyway, I decided to do it on New Year's Eve...probably not a wise choice as we had a large outing planned as well as New Year's Eve celebrations and because of that it wasn't a typical day, but it's an idea. It proved to be much more work and time, juggling the five kids while trying to document our happenings. Between each image is a series of chores and events that I couldn't manage and photograph at the same time, so this will just have to do. :) 

The sunrise is my alarm clock. 
 It's such a gorgeous view to wake to. My first thought upon waking is what an artist my God is.

Run.  A wee little run, but I'm a creature of habit, and having this 30mins before I start my day is a necessity. 

The older three wait downstairs and color while I run.  The babes wait in their crib.  It's always a joy to walk down from our room to witness this (even if there's a bossy little girl at the table). 

We don't have bread, so pancakes are made so we have the ability to make sandwiches for our lunch! So many willing helpers.

Duties, duties.  They know the want to go on an adventure?  Pull your share around the house to help make it happen.  Sweep, fold, clean, wash, pack...

Lulu gets her hair done and I attempt to wash up. 

All are loaded in the car.  It's my five minute chance to make a coffee to go, and do a quick clean up.

I've had to die to a lot in the cleanliness department, yet I still must leave my house picked up.  It's not spotless nor squeaky, but to leave my home peaceful and to return to it in the same state gives me a really settled spirit while we're out. The kids have learned this and thankfully are quite a help in making sure it's good to go. 

Unpacked and hiking to our picnic spot.
Look at our crew!  A rare pict of all of us (the things documenting a day will inspire you to do!). So grateful for this group and for this photo.  Just realized there are some babies missing!

 Go, kids, have at it.
 The bigger children went on a riverside's dangerous terrain, so it was just the babies and I for a good hour.  Some precious time with my little explorers.
He's back and ecstatic to show me his findings ("I think they're crystals!").

I'm trying not to be disappointed in the fact that I didn't photograph more of our was an amazing spot with all types of abandoned structures... but I can't manage missing out on the good times with the Mommas (while manning the babies)... so there you have it.

These two take a needed moment for down time before a bunch of friends come over.

Daddy's home!

Friends come over.
I didn't care to spend the night photographing, so I guess it stops here.
The night was filled with games and fun.  The kids joined too.  
Kisses over cheers and a solid prayer from the mouths of babes to bring in the new year.

The First Snow Day

Our first snow day of the year! We had such gorgeous, warm weather last week... in fact, Monday we were sitting in tank tops at the lake. But when winter decides to show up, it gets fancy, you see! We woke up to more than a foot of snow. Everyone was suited up and in the snow before 9am... we were a bit excited!


August and Jason
Elias and I

We celebrated the first snow with my childhood tradition of going to Chinese food that night.
Aside from the wet mud room and heep of wet snow suits, the weekend was extremely relaxing and a really sweet family time.  The sledding is insane on our property, and it brought so much "owner's pride" in watching the boys catch air on all the jumps we made.
We had our snow fix and now I'm ready to be back at the lake again. ;-)