Beatrix Potter Inspired Collaboration

I had the privilege of working with Carrie from Fleurish Designs to bring together a couple of really special brands we both love.
Her thoughts were to style a Beatrix Potter inspired birthday party including some of our kids as well as a few of Scarlett's friends.

I had been talking with Rebecca, owner of Ladida and we decided that this shoot would be a wonderful and fun way for me to style her shop's impeccable clothing and be able to showcase it on all of these little ones! Please visit her store.  It will not let you down, so wonderfully curated and some amazing pieces just in time for Easter!!

The suspenders on Elias (above) and the hankie on Gus (below) were sent from Anne. She has been kind enough to send some "spenders (Everett's term)" to our family before... she makes all types of cute patterns as well as provides other accessories in her shop!  Make sure to visit her here.
 Of course, The Mason Bar Company should always be involved in a party!
Melt my heart.  These three are good little friends and are as girly as they come!
Carrie, such a simple, classic, yet innovative eye she has. :-)

All of the children wore Freshly Picked Moccasins (as seen on Shark Tank, yay for Susan!!!).
These are high quality moccs, and they work with every outfit!

Do I need to mention the styling again?  Carrots and cake are always meant to be together.
A new friend, Katrina, sent over these adorable athletic socks that she had crocheted the week prior.  I had plans to use them on one of the boys, but the fit Noe's outfit perfectly!

I will end with my favorite image of the shoot.
To be honest, it was stressful and busy.  Capturing your own children while trying to capture sweet moments and beautiful details can be really difficult (not to mention it was chilly and these children are young!).
I left feeling like I didn't get anything.
But it was such a joy to go through and see the images.
The best part was watching these girls from getting dressed to ending with the maypole, enjoying every single aspect of it.  They were amazing, and darling, and beautiful!
A huge thank you to all of the companies involved. 
And the best part is the timing for Easter, these kids are all set!

Lulu in the Garden

On the morning of St Patricks Day, she opened her closet to discover this delicate vintage slip I had thrifted for her.
I didn't know it would become such a treasure (for her, not me!).
She pranced down the stairs, twirled, and announced "Brothers!! Brooootherrrrrrs! Look at my beautiful dress".
They ignored her as usual, until her voice became so high pitched that it forced them to lift their eyes from their drawings.
"Pretty, Sissy".
Back to drawing.
Then Carter realized she wasn't wearing green.
Because she refused to add anything else to the outfit, the compromise was making a crown from our rosemary.
An actual compromise that we both agreed to (the clothing department has become a huge struggle as of lately).
And the instant the little crown was placed on her head, I knew I needed to document it.
She looked like an angel. A sweet angel.
So we headed out to the tiniest of gardens (we're experiencing a drought after all!) and spent two and half minutes capturing her at that moment.
It was enough to remind me how fleeting these moments can be.