Down to the Heart

I've been there. I am there.

But as I heard the whisper and continue to feel the stretch, I feel like I have a deeper understanding. 
And with that there is freedom.

I am speaking of this whole online world.
And while I understand the frustration that comes with what is out there, I would like to speak up about the truth.
It's not about the source or the content. 
Both can be avoided.
It comes down to the heart.  

While there is a sense of responsibility with living our lives public, I would hope that responsibility weighs just as heavy living your life private.  We are called to be holy.  Yet we were born sinners.  So thank God for mercy. No matter how many people are watching, we must always check our hearts.  Be listening. Obedient. Because he will speak and guide, and that feeling at the pit of your stomach?  That's the Holy Spirit confirming your heart.

So if you have a hard time reading a blog, following someone on Instagram, twitter, or pinning on Pinterest.  If you look through a magazine and feel nothing but a sense of discontentment...recognize that it is quite possibly a heart issue. I know mine was (and continues to be).

About five years ago I discovered the giant world of blogs.  Goodness, what did I do before them?! I was enamored with what people were or not, everyone was so different! And gifted! And impressive! And boy they had nice clothes and/or homes.
While some of it can be completely inspiring and for the good, a lot of it can trigger feelings of discontentment, jealousy, and offer a sneaky and quiet way for the viewer (me) to be judgmental!  I didn't notice it for a while. 

But the Lord brought it to my attention fairly quickly, thank goodness. 
He simply told me to stop living through them and start living with Him.
Simple as that.
I gave blogs up.
I've avoided Pinterest for the same reason.
Such freedom, friends!

Let me be clear.
There is nothing wrong with blogs or Pinterest or any of these social media places.
But there was something wrong with my heart.
And by avoiding them, I've starved whatever it was that was feeding to that feeling of being discontent.

So while the battle continues between "real life" and "posing as perfect", let's not look to the sources that give you those yucky feelings (and honestly I am aware that this blog can be one of them--anything can), but let us look to our hearts.
Because we can avoid the source.
It's as easy as that.

You may miss it.
For a week or two.
But there is a huge sense of relief, letting go of that bondage.

And this may not be for you.  You may not struggle with any of the feelings mentioned above.
Or maybe you just need a cleanse, I'm not sure...that's for you to work through with the Holy Spirit!

I personally continue to avoid blogs...I don't feel the same way now as I did then, but I've learned to appreciate life without them. Same with Pinterest and other forms of media.

In fact, even my beloved "Hulu" time has been eliminated.
The Lord was asking me to give it up for months... I struggled and chose not to listen... because I really loved that time.  Anyway, once I finally did, what a release!  And you know what's crazy?
After a few months of being away, I randomly put on a show the other day as I was editing for some distraction.  A show that I really enjoyed prior to giving tv up.  By the end of it my heart was racing with adrenaline and was so heavy when I finished.  Man, what a cleanse will do! But thank you Jesus for continuing to clear out anything that comes between him and I. 
(and I have to say that decision has also helped our marriage which is an added bonus!)
Anyway, this was another difficult post to write.
I really, really don't like to be controversial or bring up anything that's uncomfortable, but my heart has been a bit heavy with things that I have read lately regarding blogs or other media and their content.
And I feel like the main issue hasn't been addressed at all.
Our hearts!
(which are always a work in progress, aren't they?!)

"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God".
Hebrews 12:2

In the Kitchen: Mostly Veggie Meatloaf

Another one of our staples!  Since we're a good sized family and our children have crazy large appetites, I'm always looking for ways to stretch a meal, without filling them with empty foods.

This is a meal that I grew up on and I've added my own twist to. 
So here's the Mostly Veggie Meatloaf!
It's not the most attractive of meals (mine usually aren't), but it's full of nutrition.  This meal is gluten-free, paleo-friendly (without cheese), and is packed with fiber.

Here is what you need:
1/2 onion
3 cloves of garlic
1 lb of grass fed beef
1/4 cup cheese, any kind (optional)
1 lb spinach
1/3 head of chopped cabbage
seasonings to taste
1 TBsp sea salt
1 egg (optional)
1/4-1/2 cup of flaxseed/ flaxseed meal (we use Bob's Red Mill)
Chop the onion and garlic, brown them in a bit of olive oil.
Add everything into the bowl.
Veggies can be easily substituted (we use shredded summer squash when it's in season).
Flaxseed can be substituted with breadcrumbs, quinoa or sprouted oats.

Mix thoroughly.  
The spinach and cabbage tend to overpower the meat, but after a lot of handling, it will submit to the meat. 
Also, try and use kids with dirty nails and old adds to the flavor (eek).
Chop up sweet potatoes into wedges, cut the remaining amount of cabbage into wedges.  Grease the pan with olive oil, coat them with the same olive oil and add some sea salt to flavor.
Make room for the meatloaf in the middle.
Yes, the meat touches the veggies. :-)
Veggies can range from potatoes to carrots, to celery, onions, etc.
Bake at 400 for 40 mins.
And there you go!
Don't be afraid to try this if you don't have all of the ingredients or if you have different ingredients.  
Things I've put in there before:
raw green onion
garbanzo beans
swiss chard
black beans
gorgonzola cheese
dijon mustard
etc. etc!

Meatloaf is very forgiving as long as it's salted well... that's my opinion. These can also be formed into the shape of burgers for a tasty burger!
Also, ketchup covers a multitude of sins. :-)
Let me know if you add anything interesting!