Bee's getting a lot of "post time" these days due to Mr. Flu (aka Kid). It's pretty fascinating, already witnessing the birth order in certain circumstances. The last time Kid was sick, Bee took advantage and became even more loud and talkative than before... This time is NO exception.
It's actually quite obvious that he sees the opening to be a one man show and drives full throttle to get there. This I love about him. At the tender age of 15 months, he is already aware of socio-dynamics (Is that a term? This is why I was able to make up book reports of books in my head in high school and still pass with an A! Don't ask about the quality of education, though...)
I figured, since he is currently the star of the show, I would take advantage of his place and document some of his latest milestones. I did that for the first year of his life, but I'm hoping to do it every few months thereafter.
Bee's current words (not quite the talker that Kid fact, to compare, I looked in Kid's book-that has two pages completed, sigh, and Kid had 38 words by this age--quite a difference!):
-Dog-Ball (most often used)
-Basketball (amazing, really as he barely speaks, he can still bust out a 3 syllable word!)
-Mama and Dada
-Carter (Darda or Brother, not sure which one he is saying)
-Truck (he used to say Garbage Truck, not sure where that went)
-Kitty Cat
-Nigh Night
-Animal sounds: cow, duck, dog, goat
That's it. It's okay, Bee... there's plenty of time. For right now we are enjoying your animation and your joyful spirit! Speaking of, since Kid got some glory for his early speaking abilities, I should even it out a bit. This was not my favorite age for Kid. He was extremely whiny and got frustrated very easily if he couldn't figure something out. It could very well have been due to our transition of moving twice in 5 months and living in a whole new town, but I have to say, Bee is making up for it. This is my favorite age of his so far! He's so entertaining, loving, feisty, and happy, happy, happy! Only when he is SUPER tired does he get remotely whiny, and if you have his blankies, that's all he needs. He is one-easy-Bee.
He also likes:
Being naked, sports (there's that hockey stick again!), animals, reading books, eating (that's at the top), water, wrestling with brother, and all mighty machines, trains, etc. His favorite items are his blankies and he loves stealing Thomas (the electric train) and running as fast as he can around the house as if it's some prized possession.
This face below is his latest... he puckers out his lips when concentrating. When he is getting caught doing something he shouldn't, he sticks his tongue out and touches it, it's pretty funny!
And you notice the little shorts tan line? Love it!
Thank you, Baby Bee, for being such a fun, wild, and entertaining kid!