
Good Heavens

Well that qualifies for the longest blog break ever. 

Our family has been going through big changes lately, I'm guessing that's why I just haven't had the desire to sit and write. 
 I'll be sharing a bit of our journey soon, but for now, I would like to just document a bit about these five amazing children, to remember them as they are at this moment.

This year for Easter, we simply didn't have the means to purchase anything new for Easter attire.

 Would you believe that these small-boned children actually eat ginormous portions of food?  We are amazed at the amount of groceries we go through, and because of that, everything else must be compromised...
but guess what, I love a challenge.

A bit of thrifting, a bit of consignment exchanging, and a $5 ebay purchase allowed us to outfit our children for $10 this Easter.  Not bad!

Back to these guys.

This guy is maturing so much.  I am so proud of who he is becoming.  He's quite the delight to spend time with.  He continues to excel in school; he's never gotten less than 100% on any of his tests! He's a big helper around here.  He just lost his first upper tooth.  It's hilarious. It makes me feel old.
He's an excellent brother.  My boy that is not too into make believe and such has started to really enjoy it with his other siblings.  That means so much to me, to any mom, I guess!

I've really noticed just in the past three months how much Carter and Everett's relationship has strengthened.  Just when you thought they were best friends, they have become extremely close.  They have become very affectionate with one another, and willing to take turns sharing in their favorite types of play be it cowboys, soccer, wrestling, etc.  It's so special.

I mean, need I say more?  Everett. He continues to be so funny and entertaining.  He LOVES to dress up, he's into accessories and he even loves to decorate.  He's so boyish in every department that this unexpected aspect to his personality is so welcomed.  Him and I share a love for creating vignettes around the home. I've been using their play animals for decor and he thinks it's for him.  I find other animals scattered throughout the home in unexpected places.

He's ultra competitive, which is standard for his birth order.  It's probably our biggest issue right now.  His mantra is "life isn't fair".

He and Scarlett play so well together.  We have our chickens back and they spend all day playing with the chickens.  A lot of cowboy gear gets put on and taken off throughout the day.
I'm reminded so much of my middle brother and I when I watch them play.
It's special.

We've been known to evolve with nicknames.  She's still Sissy, Sissy Lulu, Lula Bet, and now Betty.
I'm not sure how it happened, but it suits her.
She is an amazing child. Just the easiest as they come.
Aside from her desire to skip dinner every single night (because "pizza and burritos are my favorite"), she pretty much takes care of herself.  Incredibly independent.
She is proving to be just as adventurous as Everett, and even more daring (again, very similar to me and my brothers!). She has no fear and doesn't hold back on anything.

And then there's these guys.  Tried so hard to get them to take their fingers out, no chance!  To their defense, it was bedtime when we decided to take their portraits.
These guys continue to amaze us with their twin-ness.
We've been recording them a lot at bedtime because they will chat and laugh and chat and laugh for an hour before they actually fall asleep.
They're not walking yet, but they are everywhere.
I've captured a lot of their climbing adventures on Instagram...they're e v e r y w h e re...
Elias has been the first to say most words, but now Gus is catching up...
their vocabulary as of yet:
Dog, Ball, gun, Bubba (for their brothers or each other), Water, drink, Thank you, Deer, Chicken, Daddy, Momma, Sissy, More, Up, night night, and Diaper.  They know quite a few animal noises.
I would love to say they're easy but they're not!  People comment at how mellow they are, but I don't see it!   They are busy, and a bit clingy. Thankfully they have learned to allow other people to hold them because you just can't hold two babies everywhere you go!

That's a wrap.  I'll be back to share a bit of what's been going on in our home.
Instagram seems to be the best way for me to document our daily grind, so feel free to find us there, we are @Mockabee7.

I have all kinds of DIY lists and projects that I've done or am planning on doing, so I'm going to write this as motivation to actually document them. :-)


A month late. 
On a chair in my bedroom in her normal clothes. 
This is not how it should be done, her yearly portraits, poor girl. 
 But so goes this way of life for her.

Lulu is either going to be tough as nails, or very unhappy with her upbringing.  This child has been forced to grow up faster than any of my others.  She's been taught to act like a boy even when her girly little voice and dainty little hands tell her otherwise.  

She's incredible, yet too often overlooked.  Jason and I spend a lot of time talking about giving her a little extra time here and there, and we do are best to do it, she deserves the world, this three-year-old. 

Although, if we gave her the world, she would take it and run with it and act as if it was hers to operate.  So I suppose she is where she is chosen to be so that she can become who she is destined to be. 

She comes from a line of strong women, with strong opinions and strong faith.  I pray that a little bit of gentleness and grace find her way.
 I remember finding out of her gender, and holding her for the first time.  Something so unique and special about this one.  She's incredibly independent, joyful, easygoing, a winner of hearts.  Rarely does she show her will, yet she has her own ideals and preferences.
She loves people, but can discern a situation in which she chooses to be "shy"... a wise soul.
I am so excited to see what becomes of her.
Happy Birthday, Scarlett Hope.
You are cherished.