History Repeats

What you see?
To the left, Kid and Bee, to the right, my brothers Jake (left) and Jess (right).
This is one of my favorite photos of my brothers, because if you knew them, it speaks for itself, really. The two boys spent all day with their Daddy cutting wood for our wood stove. Loading, unloading, stacking, etc.
Jess, he's flawless and missing a smile. Jakey, he's a wreck and loving it. My boys? Following their uncles' footsteps! Kid is very focused, driven, serious, athletic and intense. Bee, well, quite the opposite, really, but the joy is he laughs, smiles, and takes risks through it all (the constant scrapes and bruises on his face say it all--although Kid is the one sporting the black eye in this photo!)
The other difference (unfortunately) is that my brothers happen to be in the country in country attire... my boys, clearly in the city in their Daddy's far-from-beat-up truck, with Hurley shirts and flip flops. Sigh. One day.
(Did you notice Kid slyly pinching Bee?)