Photos of Miss Scarlett's first outfit(s):
I promise I won't be posting every article of girl clothing that comes into this household, but the first visual pinks and patents in this household must be documented... you know, for baby book sake.
Do notice in all the summer bloomer sets (oh, I am such a sucker for bloomers, especially when they sport ruffles on the back!), they can interchange shorts with tops... they all coordinate! Scarlett, you are one lucky Miss!
Obviously you have learned that we have decided on a name. We have loved the name Scarlett since we were pregnant with Carter. We knew it would fit with the family and we haven't been able to let go. We played with Georgia for a while (Daddy Mock was keen on calling her "peach"), however, Scarlett is in our hearts, and we know she will indeed be a Scarlett.
What can I use help on??? A middle name for heaven's sake!!! We have had years of trying to come up with a middle name to no avail. Rose, no thank you... I'm pretty sure all the Scarlett's out there have this middle name, not to mention the meaning "red" and rose makes me think of rose tatoos, which is an image I'd rather not associate with my daughter.
So, suggestions? Please? We are open to anything, but we do prefer classic, older names. Two of our contenders right now are Pearl and Adelle. :-) Thank you for feedback!