Just Wed

Well, for my first experience shooting weddings, this was definitely the best set up. As casual as Jennifer and Todd are, it was a delight to work with them and their family... Everyone was very relaxed and kicked back... perfect "first wedding"! Jennifer has such gorgeous eyes and such a hot little bod, she's easy to work with!

The flower girl, Jennifer's niece, Lauren, wanted to do her own toast... it was so cute!
The Waelty brothers. I knew these guys all growing up... from what I remember, nothing has changed.
They were so loving and sweet... this couple is truly wonderful and in love with Jesus!
The wedding was at a close friend's home in Sonora... to be married under such mature and nurturing oaks... I found it completely romantic and symbolic.
Overall, it was a wonderful experience... my biggest complaint was the lighting as it was a late wedding (7pm) and we lost all natural light shortly after the ceremony. Thankfully Todd and Jenn agreed to allow me to shoot a "week after" shoot of them as I barely got any photos of them together (in their new oneness) before losing my light. Sigh.
Have fun in Costa Rica, you two and congrats on your exciting adventure!