Growing Growing Growing

Three and a half! Where has time gone? I took the lower picture this afternoon, during a picnic the boys and I were having... when I downloaded them, it looked awfully familiar. The top picture was one of the first shots I took with my first DSLR (about 9 months ago)! It is still one of my faves, I might add.
It's funny how with your first kid, you are very precise when asked their age. After you have a few, though, you seem to just answer the year they are, vs. the months/ half-years, etc. It wasn't until the other day when I was asked if Kid was three or three and-a-half that I realized, wow, he's officially three and-a-half!
So, a half-year update:
Sigh. This has been by far the hardest, yet rewarding six months of your life, Kid! You have been challenging everything, you had huge issues with being particular, and the language of "Whinese", which you struggle with occasionally has been in full effect.
But, that being said, we worked hard and our hard work has paid off. We worked through it. I am proud to say that you can gain control so quickly now, you are aware that it is a decision and even tell me that you are proud of yourself for gaining control! You also are more aware of your emotions and others. Case and point: The other day we were trying to get out of the house for something (I'm sure it was very important as I otherwise would not be so tense--wink wink), anyways, I had to repeat myself with you to get your shoes on, when I repeated myself, I said, "Carter, I don't want to say it again, GET YOUR SHOES ON, PLEASE", in a somewhat yell. Your response? "Wow, you are really really really frustrated!". Yes, I was. But that statement again allowed me to realize that you are growing up and you are so aware!
Lots of developments. You can recognize a lot of letters and their sounds. You show so much interest in school and anything big kid related. You can count somewhere past twenty. You talk NONSTOP. Sometimes I don't realize it until Daddy Mock comes home and asks if you have been this "talkative"... and then I realize, you are, in fact, talkative. Nonstop. Even when playing on your own, you're always talking.
Lately, within the last month, strangers will comment on your manners and your level of "enthusiasm". We've explained to you how when someone asks how you are doing, it is always important to ask them back, to make sure that they are okay as well. (another thing I remember from my childhood!)... My heart has been filled with joy lately when someone asks you how you are and you respond, "fine, thank you, how are you?"
You are usually loving and inclusive with your brother... of course there are moments, as with any siblings, but you do enjoy his company and choose to include him in almost all that you do. The latest is making up games and having him participate in them. You found a magnet in the shape of an X today. For an entire hour you and your brother played "Slide the cross across the board" on your train table. I was having so much fun listening, I joined in!
Thank you for working through your emotions and learning to control them! Thank you for your patience with me as I have been so tired, sick, and edgy with this pregnancy. Thank you for all of your snuggles, affection, and overall enthusiasm. You are one special boy!