Just a mom and her boys packed up the car and headed to the beach. Sounds like a simple task, doesn't it? Well, thankfully it was!
Bee spent most the time exploring sand.
This time, Kid didn't get caught up in the waves (even with the camera around Mommy's neck)!
Quickly I found that snapping photos while watching two busy boys gallop around in the water was not the safest task... instead, I surrendered to the art and enjoyed sand castle building, snuggling salty skin, and skipping in small puddles the tide left behind.
I took a moment to watch these two and take in what it was like to have just two boys. I also took a moment to look at the ocean through their eyes, so large, loud and powerful. How blessed they are to be raised in an area where one week they experience the mountains and the next, their soaking their toes in the sand!