Originally we had a typical budget, but I'm a visual person and needed actual boundaries that I can see. Then birthed the cash bucket. I'm sure it's been around back when currency was created. That's how vintage our system is. But it's simple, and it works, amazingly well.
We have typical fixed costs that are in our excel budget that Daddy Mock monitors very closely monthly. Those costs include: utilities, gas, groceries, insurance, and Daddy Mock even has a separate account where money is saved for yearly costs such as vehicle registration (disgusting how it's grown in cost in California!), vehicle maintenance, etc. Groceries and gas can also be a separate envelope, yet I am very consistent with the spending in those departments, so we keep them as "fixed" and I use my debit card for those.
So, the envelopes, you ask? I'll list them in the order of highest amount deposited to lowest:
-Target and Household
-Dining Out
-Jodi Hair (sadly--one day I'll choose to be more virtuous in that department!)
-Family clothing
-Gifts (Christmas and Birthdays)
We keep a register in each envelope to track for further detail... very much like a checking register... recording deposits and withdrawals, detailed withdrawals showing that we spend way too much money in Starbucks (or "666" as Opa calls it).
What I also love about the system is you truly see where your money goes, why it goes there and how much more you can shave down if needed. We are on a strict budget, but not super-tight by any means. At this point, we are very blessed to have all bills paid, be debt-free, and still have room for very important items such as Starbucks and my hair. However, we know if worst came to worst, we can definitely cut back in several areas based on our knowledge of where our money has gone... there is much freedom in that! (don't get any ideas, Honey)
Of course we keep a very detailed record, but seriously, even one large envelope of straight cash is better than using that blasted debit card. I personally think it was the worst thing invented by man--dangerous and lethal.
This system has saved many aspects of our marriage! I can't believe the amount of stress that it has cut down. Best of all, I'm in control of it. I'm at fault if I spend unwisely and I also have the liberty to spend how I want (in how it benefits the entire family, of course... what, you need socks? there's only a few small holes in those!).
Any other creative ideas? Please share what works for you and your family!