Well, sadly the boys miss out on the whole concept of Santa Claus, anyway, so there's not much to miss. Daddy Mock and I found ourselves stuck last year as Kid was old enough to understand the concept of Santa Claus...a short discussion went like this:
Me: "Shoot, should we pretend there's a Santa Claus--how does one go about doing that? (obviously my very own parents neglected that opportunity)".
Daddy Mock: "I dunno. I'm not sure. Nah, let's not even go there. (obviously his very own parents neglected their opportunity as well).
And so that became our family Christmas. Sans Santa Claus... however, we do appreciate the jolly and the cheer that that scrumptious man and his crew has to offer...as do the boys. However, my kid is the kid that will ruin your kid's Christmas magic. Sadly. Case and point:
Uncle Paul: "Kid, did Santa bring you any presents this year?"
Kid: "You're silly. Santa's pretend!"
Mommy Bee: Red in the face, searching the room for any naive children that may get their reality rocked a bit.
I must say that the nativity scene has stolen all attention, though. Both boys have been enamored with our nativity scene the entire time it's been up. Kid tells the whole story and won his Gigi's heart when helping her set up her outdoor nativity scene. As he reached for the angel that she needed, he shouted, "Glory to God in the Highest!"... Bee visits "Cheesus (Jesus)" every morning, making sure he's still there. They were both sad to see all the characters go. But alas, must make room for last-minute nesting.
We've all been at it here. The swing has been brought out, the Christmas decor down, carpets cleaned, house cleaned, cars washed, car seats rearranged, we're making room for Scarlett. The baby doll that has pretty much acted as a football the last two years is now being carried around endlessly, hugged, patted, shhhed, rocked, and kissed. So what if it's only for a minute before a basketball game begins... the boys are doing their fair share of nesting as well!
Which explains the break in blogging. We've had such a wonderful, relaxing, and productive holiday week, I just haven't had the heart to carry a camera around or visit the computer much less. We've spent so much time with family, it's been such a great reminder of what this season is about. I do regret not capturing specific moments throughout the days. A lot of cousin bonding, a lot of uncles, aunts, grandparents, skyping grandparents, food, present opening, and sheer joy, but words will have to summarize the last week as there is not one photo to document such moments!
Kid and Daddy Mock having a little video time (well, Daddy Mock appears to be catching some zzz's):
And to finish with some other baby book goodness:
-Kid and Bee are more than ever turning into buddies. Of course this melts a Mommy's heart but also comes at a great time as they will truly be grateful for each other's company when miss baby girl comes. It's to the point now that they do not enjoy playing alone often and usually end up calling for the other.
-Kid asked Daddy Mock yesterday, "Daddy, your glasses are like 'Power Eyes', right?"
-Bee is talking more and more. Also throwing more and more tantrums. Often I find myself unsure of what to do, specifically in public, as I have mentioned before, Kid has only once thrown a public tantrum. Boy I have my work cut out for me! He took a break from peeing on the potty as he decided he was beyond it, but as of the last week, he's been going every time we set him on there--the baby potty had to be put away, though. Only the big potty for Bee.
-We need to work on getting their sleep back to earlier bed times/ wake times... both boys have been sleeping in past eight, which is fun in a sense, but they also usually don't fall asleep until 8:30/9pm... lots of jabbering through their bedroom door!
-Bee is A-Mazing at basketball. Not joking, the kid has style in his shot! He dribbles, does a jump shot and holds his hand up in the air like some pro--even though he has never seen a basketball game in life or on TV!
A long and random post, by far, but a bit of catch-up from our wonderful holidays.
Hoping you had a wonderful Christmas as well!
Do believe that you will remain updated on Scarlett's progress. I'm more than ready to share the news of labor!