All We Like Sheep

Strike a pose, darling... she's got the pursing of the lips down already!
Here's little Honey G enjoying her sheepskin mat:
Benefits of Sheepskin (Lambswool):

"Medical studies at Cambridge University have shown that lambswool pads have a soothing, swaddling effect on babies, resulting in better sleep, reduced stress, greater contentment and improved weight gain. Studies showing similar results have also been reported in the BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, LANCET, and THE AUSTRALIAN MEDICAL JOURNAL. Researchers find when babies lay directly on lambswool, their activity rate is lowered producing a deeper, more restful sleep and promoting a faster growth rate. This is especially beneficial for premature and low birth-weight babies. Hospitals in England, Australia, and New Zealand have used lambswool pads to line their incubators for many years.

Wool has become a year-round mainstream nursery item. In the summer babies stay cool and dry when they are on wool because of natural air circulation through the fibers. In addition, wool absorbs perspiration and moisture more than any other material. Of course, wool also keeps babies warm in cool weather. Pure lambswool soothes and comforts baby with a soft, swaddling effect, reduces stress and restless movement, and promotes sleep. Wool fibers also limit the growth of harmful bacteria and are naturally fire retardant. It's hard to get all of these properties in one fiber!"

It's also gentle on baby's skin because it consists of a similar basic substance as human skin.
It helps heal sensitive or inflamed skin or rashes, because baby's skin can breathe naturally.
It's always dirt and bacteria resistant. For centuries it has been known that natural sheepskin, because of its lanolin, has self-cleaning power when left to hang in fresh air.

If you have a restless babe, I highly suggest one... the second we put Honey G on hers, she curls up and falls asleep!