
We're still enjoying the high of the amazing arrival of Miss Honey G.
It's very tiring being so cute.
She and I had our first "girls' day out". We headed to Target to grab a few supplies and enjoy being out in the world, wearing something other than sweats, a dab of makeup, and trying out our new orchid sling (you didn't think I would keep my brown and blue one, did you?). Honey preferred to rotate her body so that her tummy was on mine the entire time. After four times of re-adjusting her into the cradle hold, I gave up, and realized that she wanted to nuzzle her sweet little face into me, and I had no problem with that.
Daddy Mock has been home from work for the most part... although he doesn't get as much one on one time with his daughter (read: two other kids, aye!), he's been making a point to get little moments. Honey G responds to him so sweetly. Never have I seen a newborn smile when engaged... they say it's gas, there is no chance... this girl watches your expressions and smiles back, wide eyed and alert. It's amazing! However, I am not too surprised as her Grammy dreamt the night before her arrival that she was born at home and she was born smiling!
I've gotten some emails regarding the sheepskin that we have in her crib. I didn't use sheepskin with the boys, but I have to say, as of now, I am a firm believer in it's soothing capabilities. Mind you, Honey G is still in that sleepy stage where all they seem to do is sleep, but the second I put her on her tummy on the sheepskin, she drifts off restfully. Not even a whimper. I'll keep those of you interested up-to-date on it as right now I do think it makes a big difference (well, that and the fact that she's just possibly the easiest of my children so far!)...anyone out there use one with your child/children? Do you feel it makes a difference with their sleep?