Organic Honey

It doesn't get more organic than naked!
Honey Girl at two weeks:

I write up monthly updates about each child until they're one, but I thought I would document week two for Honey as I would love to look back on it as future reference in case we have more children (I'm quite the routine nazi and this info sure does help)...

Eating: You eat every three hours during the day... you are a good eater, had a great latch from the start, but don't eat near as much as your brothers did! You tend to back away from your Mommy's letdown which causes quite the sprinkler effect... both of your brothers gulped away. You also are a very fast eater, like your brothers were... from the beginning, your feeds have been only about 20 mins...but you do receive a full feeding as you seem to be content until I wake you for your next! At night you are lasting from 4-6 hours between feedings! Good girl!

Sleeping: You're a good sleeper so far! You barely peep when going down for a nap. Sometimes, if I wait too long to put you down, you get a little upset. All it takes is me picking you up, speaking in a calm voice, then laying you back down again... no paci needed, no patting needed, you just like to know someone is there when you get to that point. Your naps are about 2 hrs and 15 minutes... and, again, you last about 4-6 hours at night between feedings. You sometimes have a hard time falling asleep after your 3am feeding. This is when Mommy needs to hold you for a second before you're put down again. You are usually worn for one nap out of the day (typically your 10:45-1pm nap) Mommy is out and about with your brothers...this is a special time for both of us as I don't get a lot of skin/ holding time with you. You love your sling! I prefer to wear you vertically, chest to chest, and Daddy prefers to hold you in the cradle position.

Disposition: What an angel! You never cry, even when your brothers are poking and prodding! You are VERY alert... much more alert than either of your brothers. You smile already, you make eye contact, you follow voices and turn your head. You would stay awake for a very long time if I let you. Your eyes are always very wide open.

Growth: Well, much like your brothers, you have yet to visit the doctor since your birthday. Despite their efforts (seriously, does Kaiser ever stop calling?)! I am guessing you are around 9 lbs. Those first few rolls that magically appear on those twiggy thighs did so a few days ago...imagine my surprise when I go to change your diaper and you have these sweet rolls:

I can tell already that you will be losing that dark hair you have... there is new growth underneath appears to be light brown. I'm sad to see your hair go, though, as on your left side you have a bunch of little curls that curl up around your ear! Your eyes are looking more blue--I predict they will either be Daddy's color or Bee's color... thankfully it looks like you were spared from Mommy's brown eyes!

**On a totally different side note... I've had a few emails requesting the brand of that adorable toile onesie (Daddy's favorite)... the brand is Claesen' it, they have cute stuff!***