This is the Stripes Life!

Guilty of dressing my kids matchy-matchy, what better way to celebrate day one at home, alone, with all three than to stick to our Monday routine of grocery shopping?
I've been so excited to get back to the norm, and fortunately, I am finding out that having a vaginal birth allows one to do such a thing fairly quickly. This is the stripes life!

The boys were so proud to show off their baby sister to the snack stop madame, none other than Miss Rosemary. I've mentioned her before, somehow I have come to know and respect her...she birthed 9 children into this world and is just the kindest, sweetest woman. She asked for all of the details of Honey's birth and was so happy to learn of the outcome (she had 3 VBACs herself).

Well, sure, I've already posted a photo of Honey in her stripes, but I couldn't help but add this one too.

The children have treated me right today, but one thing I have learned in the first 10 hours is that there is not a spare moment until nap time. I spent the entire morning prepping for the next event (craft time first, grocery shopping next, yard play, lunch, then nap, wheew!)...the entire time I felt like I was packing, list making, changing diapers, feeding, correcting, tickling... but then, I received a very nice gift... combined nap time... so what if all three were only down at the same time for 30 minutes... it was silent, and I had a chance to sit and relax with some tea (and cinnamon graham crackers, the latest TJ's craving).
Honey gets woken up to eat.
Bee wakes shortly thereafter.
Kid gets woken up minutes after Bee.
And like that the silence was gone.
Thankfully Daddy Mock is leaving work a wee early this week to allow me to rest in the afternoon.
I can get used to that!