What kid doesn't like using scissors and glue?
Desperate to figure out our new routine and in need of some time to start laundry, clean up after breakfast, and get my meal planning/grocery list going, I started the boys on a little Valentine's project. We're trying to keep a seasonal banner over our dining room mirror throughout the year and trying to make it kid-assisted as well.
And it's the love month already, can you believe it?
Desperate to figure out our new routine and in need of some time to start laundry, clean up after breakfast, and get my meal planning/grocery list going, I started the boys on a little Valentine's project. We're trying to keep a seasonal banner over our dining room mirror throughout the year and trying to make it kid-assisted as well.
And it's the love month already, can you believe it?
For all of those moms out there that are in need of 45 minutes (cutting paper into very tiny pieces is hard work, you know!)... get a bunch of scrap paper, have your kid(s) cut them in various shapes with "crazy" scissors, glue on thicker paper.
Hole punch your shapes and string a ribbon through.
Voila, instant decor and a good 45 minutes of productivity at your feet!
If this is specifically for a Valentine's project, make sure to have plenty of pink around for inspiration.
And a wild cowlick.