Beat the Blues

We have reason to be very blue around here. Daddy Mock is near losing his job, something that we had seen potentially coming, but holding out great faith that the economy would change. Not so much. After a day of feeling very blue as I near cursed at my computer for giving me 6 straight hours of technical bologna, I realized that technology, which I love to hate, has actually allowed Daddy Mock to reach out to hundreds of people via Facebook and email asking for help. The responses have been so plentiful that he nearly doesn't have enough time to call people back as he should! God is good. At a time when we were preparing to be completely unemployed, God has opened the door to several opportunities. Who knows what he will bring, but he has sure beat our blues!

"But my God shall supply all your need according to his
riches in glory by Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:19