Matchy Matchy Sunday & Considerable Z's

It's been made obvious I am a bit obsessed with matching the boys. My goal with the morning dressing routine is to at least have them coordinate...partially because you never know when a perfect photo may happen and it would be a dying shame to have them clash while hanging on my living room wall, wouldn't it?

Nobody told me of the endless opportunities one has to matchy match with their daughter...this could be fun...and relatively dangerous! Honey Girl and I decided to wear what my mom would classify as our "prairie tops":
I have to give props to my sweet friends/family who contributed to Honey G's entire outfit... a huge thank you to Miss Cara for the jeans, Auntie JoJo for the socks and cami, and Miss Amanda for the sweater. I am seriously blessed and spoiled to receive such adorable hand-me-downs... you girls are awesome!
(not to mention it gives me the room to save for that much needed triple jogger, wink wink)

**ooh, on a different note and a very important one, Honey G is sleeping through the night! She's been giving me 7-9 hours consistently, but last night she slept from 7-6am--to which I had to wake her as I was utterly sore (if you know what I'm saying)... Good girl, sweetie! You beat your middle brother by one week. :-) You now hold the record at six weeks!