Must preface this post by saying the below photo melts my heart. Will also mention that this moment was possibly the only peaceful and charming moment in my day. So the story begins...
Kid starts his day by hollering "MOMMY,IT'S NOT SEVEN YET BUT I'M AWAKE!". Cool. Except not so cool, because it was 6:15am. Not-so-not-so cool was that he woke both his brother and sister up by proclaiming his start of the day. Retro Rental has a few minor disappointments, you know, like paper thin doors and such.
Sure, I made him stay in his room until 7am, ironically, Kid was the only one out of all three of them to get the hint to fall back asleep. The other two decided to start their day.
And so it began.
Normally, I have great energy. It usually lasts into the night and I rarely have to stop. Well, this morning I woke up with nothing. Kaput. A poor equation, I believe.
So far, Kids: 1, Mommy,0
I've been in a good rhythm with running first thing in the morning now that Honey G is staying awake a bit longer, but since Kid was still sleeping, it threw us all off. Kid awakes, all children eat, all children clear their plumbing, all children seem a bit whiny.
Kids, 2 Mommy, 0
I learn very quickly that my borderline lethargy and slight anger over early awaking requires a run. Be it raining or not. Praise God, it happened, with a slight sprinkle, but it happened, nonetheless (and Bee was quite happy to "feel it in my mouth and my eyes!"--the rain, that is).
Kids, 3 Mommy, 1
Superhero play, obstacle courses, "doctor" (my new fave as I am the patient and I actually get to lay down and rest for a few minutes..."oh, I need another shot...and I think I have another fever"...milk the available relaxation, I say..take it as far as it will go...this morning's case, not too far, a mere 4 minutes) all with several time outs in-between...Bee, oh, Bee, he's just so testy these days. It makes any type of play challenging.
Kids, 4 Mommy, 1
"I'm hungry". Something Bee has learned to say when he's just plain bored. When starting the day off with a poor attitude, these words can be like nails to a chalkboard for a nursing mother. You feed and feed. All day long. Doesn't matter if it comes from your own milk ducts or from the refrigerator, it's exhausting. Feed the kids, all three of them.
Kids, 5 Mommy, 1
More time outs. This time for both kids. Kid is on a superhero kick and hasn't quite learned how to be cool and super, without being aggressive and naughty. He has, however, learned a lot about his bedding these days, as he spends a lot of time thinking about how he can be cool and super without hurting his brother or his mother.
Kids, 6 Mommy, 1
"I'm hungry". Lunch time.
"I'm hungry". Lunch time.
Kids, 7 Mommy, 1
Alas, the moment I've been waiting for, nap/rest time. It's time indeed.
Except that Honey G decided to wake early from her nap and also decided she was hungry. By the time she was done eating, talking, and had a changing, well, rest time was over (Kid's getting really good at reading the clock).
Kids, 8 Mommy, 1
I put in a video for Kid and sit next to him with my Bible. I may not be alone, but at least it's a bit quiet. Bee proclaims his nap is over. Far too early.
Kids, 9 Mommy, 1
Exhaustion, frustration, you name it, I'm feelin' it. It's seriously only 1pm by this point.
More superhero play, some drawing (three time outs for Bee during such activities), another obstacle course "to see if Bee can beat me this time". I doubt it, Kid, you rig it every time...
Kids, 10 Mommy, 1
"I'm hungry"
Kids, 11 Mommy, 1
Making a grocery list. Still haven't gotten in the rhythm of my Monday shopping, which naturally contributes to my frustrating day. I make a list, the boys ask to draw, Bee gets a time out for drawing on his brother's arm. I near finish the list...the other items shall remain in my mind.
Kids, 12 Mommy, 1
Wake and feed baby, load kids in car, head to the grocery store. It's pouring rain. I manage to get Honey in the sling while the boys get out of the car by themselves. They help themselves to a puddle nearby. Special.
Kids, 13 Mommy, 1
Kid complains the entire time of being hungry and is frustrated that this is not, in fact, Trader Joes... how dare there be a store that doesn't have a snack stand?! I'm reminded about 96 times that Kid is "very very very very Very VERY very hungry". So are all the other poor shoppers trying to stalk up in peace. Oh, and those items that I stored up in my mind... of course, no where to be found in the very limited mind of mine.
Kids, 14 Mommy, 1
We get home. By this time, my calm and patient voice that I had been praying for all day is gone. Left it at the parking lot with Bee's snack bag that he informed me he threw out of the cart.
Kids, 15 Mommy, 1
The rain stops temporarily. Kid asks to ride his quad while I make dinner. Surely. Slight problem...on the trek over to his quad Kid accidentally stepped in a puddle. Since this caught him off guard, he was pretty upset about the fact that his pants were wet (same Kid that found the puddle at the grocery store just mere minutes ago). No nap, some blood sugar issues at the moment. Ended with a whole ordeal which nearly scared the neighbors with my lack of calm and pleasant voice.
Kids, 16 Mommy, 1
"I'm hungry". No kidding, children.
Kids, 17 Mommy, 1
Blood sugar's adjusted, pj's put on, things are looking good. Then Bee informs me that he painted with their toothpaste. Proper punishment was evoked as this is a recurring issue for Bee. Him and the toothpaste, they have some sort of love affair going on. Because they've been forbidden, they often meet in secret.
Kids, 18 Mommy, 1
Thankfully, everyone is tired and bedtime was an easy process. It's now 6:30pm.
Kids, 18 Mommy, 2!
I do realize that choosing to have children is choosing to be defeated, constantly. I mean, it starts by taking care of them and their every need. Guiding, directing, etc... but sometimes, the defeat can surely throw you off for a day or so. And that imbalance, which I so wonderfully experienced today, is a reminder to take it a day at a time, and really do try to enjoy every moment (such as watching an older brother gaze at his little sister with so much adoration). I promise tomorrow I won't keep score, Kid.
*ps, I couldn't help but notice that Kid and Honey seem to have similar expressions in this series of shots...siblings, indeed!