Which led us out of Simpleville to The Wind Tunnel. We liked the Wind Tunnel. I fell in love with it as it is a very small town compared to the big city it resides by. It was small, and had some nature, but I sure missed the mountain lined skies, clean air, and freedom to roam...not to mention my hippy community that understands a lot of our crazy/ crunchy lifestyle!
Just recently, as shared here, Daddy Mock learned he will be soon losing his job. Also, within three days of such news, we had an opportunity called in by Miss Delicious to move into the house next door. It was for rent, which was perfect as we still have no job and or idea of what the future holds, but we do know that if we're going to be unemployed and God opens doors literally next door to friends (which includes a less expensive lifestyle), we'll do it here, in Simpleville, and God will provide our needs.
So we're back, in a much more simple home, but much more fitting to our needs and our desire to live more simply in a town such as Simpleville. I am reminded daily as we settle in here that this is an unexpected blessing in what could be some devastating times. Trust me, the reality of being income-less comes heavy at times, but fear doesn't help much, does it? What helps is being surrounded by a community that is praying for us and looking out for us. Friends who are there through tough times and fun times, and family that is so solid, you can count on them for anything.
So there you have it. Why we're here, why it happened so fast, and why we're trusting in God for his provision... and what I love so much about this blogging thing is that it allows us to document our family choices and changes and be able to get a narration and visual story of how things change and how God does take care of us.
Oh, and one funny country story...as I came home from Wal Mart with the kids (no Target here, bummer!), it had been raining and I opened my mud room door to find that all of my mail had been delivered, inside my home. Because naturally, it didn't fit in the mailbox, and the mailman didn't want it to get wet, so he just helped himself in. Creepy? Maybe to some, but I would consider it highly chivalrous! Thanks mailman!