A Good Reason

Reasons to be joyous:

1. Daddy Mock is home and has forgiven me for yesterday's mishap.
2. Leaving momentarily for a girls' night out to watch Sex and the City 2...which gives me a reason to wear heals, which rarely happens, which makes me feel feminine, which in the end benefits everyone.
3. I hear the sun will appear this weekend and that the weather may act like late Spring, you know, how it's intended to be? That's good news.
4. Bee may just be in a big boy bed by the end of this weekend. That means he's not a baby, that means he's growing up. It makes me sad a little bit, but the idea of walking in the boys' room and seeing two boys in two beds makes me happy.
Off to curl my hair and put on some, gasp, makeup! A good night to all!