From My Rear-View

Text sent to Daddy Mock, timed 1:43pm:

i am so in love with my children. thank you for making it a priority for me to be at home. xoxo

Because isn't it true how deeply you fall in love over and over again at the sight of your sleeping child?
Multiply it by three and it's almost uncontainable.
So uncontainable that you get distracted while driving and start speeding.

I tried to explain it to the cop (as they were all still sleeping like angels--not even that changed his mind), and it didn't seem to stop him from writing one of those blasted tickets up.
The problem here...just a few short minutes before that when I was thanking God for my beautiful children and asking him to build more patience and humility in me, he sends Cop.

You see, I've got a slight pride issue (and apparently a speeding issue). I've boasted far too much about my record of thirteen pull overs and zero speeding tickets.
Today, God sent a little bit of humility my way.

And after cop left, I cried.
I let it all out to the sleeping passengers.
How much I love my children.
How embarrassed I am to have broken my record.
How frustrated and worried I am about paying for the ticket.
How humbled I am over telling Daddy Mock (he still doesn't know, in fact, he'll probably find out via-blog post before I'm able to talk to him...sorry, Honey, seriously, sorry).
How much I love my children.
How grateful I am to have a husband who insists (in a non-chauvinistic way...relax) that I be home with them.
How much I love the country.
And I cried some more.
And it felt good.
Although I still have a speeding ticket, and that doesn't feel good.
But I have gained humility, and that's the point of it all, perhaps.