Did I Mention Classy?

Some people prefer the tropics, some a cruise...some people prefer Alaska, or a little European rendezvous...
No, not us, we're so very classy, we prefer hanging with family and acting a little sassy.

(the other Great Grandma--in her truest state)

Some people ask for views of infinity and beyond, some prefer trees or acres of fresh cut lawn.
No, not our family, a power plant will do, we'll take the constant buzz and the electric magnetic waves, too!
Some people send their kids to camps of all sorts. Some take their kids camping and have fun building forts...no, not on our vacation, you see, our kids create their own camp while letting their imagination set free.
(wouldn't you agree that this photo is a bit disturbing?)
Even though it wasn't five star or high class, if vacations were tested, it definitely passed. We spent loving time as family...with our loved ones we swam with and hung out happily.
We're back, we're home and adjusting to life with Daddy now working in town, to our delight!