Oh how precious are you.
Honey, you are one sweet angel girl. You are so pleasant to have around...almost as if there isn't a baby around, just a girlfriend always in the room to talk to. I never thought that I would want or enjoy that feeling, but it's a miracle, us girls.
This month has been a big month for you developmentally.
In the last month, you have:
*started rolling over both ways...although in your crib you get stuck, which proves to be an issue at times in the night (oh, how I remember this with the boys!)
*have had your first haircut
*begun reaching for faces, giving kisses, looking for the boobies
*started grabbing toys with great fervor
*spent long periods of time talking in your crib
*staying awake much longer in the day
*found that your hands make a great teether
You are still so petite, in fact, when I found Bee's 5th month update, I was shocked at how huge he was compared to you. People who meet you in person vs. seeing photos of you remark on how petite and tiny you are in real life!
Some funny things that you do:
-spit...you make loud noises with your tongue...those brothers are trouble!
-flirt...you love men...again, trouble!
-we call you "lizard girl" because you seem to enjoy the feeling of your tongue all the way out.
Your routine:
You are the most flexible of the three of my kids, mostly because we have to be, catering to making life fun for the boys...and easier on me! You have been doing very well at taking one of your naps out, be it at the lake, the pool, church, stores, etc...you can either be worn or if Mommy, say, is dunking one of your brothers in the pool, you simply take a paci and a little rock to sleep and you can be placed on the ground or in your stroller or car seat. What an angel you are. You are still on three naps, usually your morning nap is 1.5 hrs, mid-day (our outing), 45 min, and afternoon--2 hrs.
You were so easy during our week-long vacation...you slept through the night in the trailer...you rarely made a peep and you enjoyed all the stimulation and company...I think you're going to be a little social one...you never got tired of faces or got upset when someone you didn't know well was holding you.
You are so very special, and I cherish our moments together in such a different way than what I did with the boys. We love you, Sister!