A Private Matter

*Warning...inappropriate conversation ahead...but it must be documented, and for that I write shamelessly...

Today I dropped Kid off at a VBS at Miss Delicious's church. Last night I realized that this was the first time I was dropping off Kid in a public place and actually leaving him...sure, he was dropped of at the Kids Zone at the gym in The Wind Tunnel, and yes, he goes to Sunday School, but never have I actually dropped him off and left the area. Interesting thought. Kid's growing up! Then it occurred to me that we had not had the "private parts=private matter" discussion in a while, and today was an important reason to bring up such a topic.

Our breakfast dialogue was exactly as expected...I stated a simple comment...Kid asked a gazillion questions about it. The word "privates" was mentioned about three hundred and seven times within ten minutes...then I terminated the conversation, as I have learned to do with Kid as it could turn detailed and dark (in a very naive way) very quickly had I left it open-ended.
After I picked him up and he gave me a very enthusiastic play-by-play on his day, he ended his description with, "and not even one stranger touched my privates!"

I know, awkward...but it sure does show you how innocent and clueless a child can be in a world full of darkness and disgust. How I wish I could revert back to that innocence at times!

*ps: Kid, when you read this in our blurb book in about 12 years, I'm sorry I shared this story with the world. I do love you, I do.