Double digits, get out of town!
In the last month, you have:
-cut 3 more teeth
-started calling Mommy "Mama"
-calling Daddy "Dada" (oh and you change your voice very squeel-like when doing so)
-learned two words: nigh nigh (for night night) and na na (for banana)
-started cruising
-started climbing stairs (at Grammy and Opa's)
You are an incredibly easy baby. So passive, even when your older brother (not naming any middle child in particular) decides to try to undress you or comb your hair or teach you how to swim on the carpet.
For document's sake, your current nicknames:
-Sissy Lulu
-Sissy bella
-Sissy Luski
Yes, we are a nickname bunch here, thankfully you answer to all of them!
We love you sweet girl!