That Time

It's that time of year.
Time for red noses and oversized sweaters.
Time for nature walks that leave frozen little finger tips to be instantly warmed when stepping foot inside a dimly-lit home.
Time for crock pots and hot cider leaving their fragrance in each room until morning comes.
It's time for runny noses and stories by the fire.
Time for snow days and rain walks.
Time for puddle jumping and mud pies.
Time for indoor play dates and an abundance of crafts.
Time for crafting and singing.
Time for beanies and mittens.
Time for flannel sheets.
Time for dreaming of Christmas.
Time for family.
It's that time.

We've been taking evening nature walks at dusk the past few days. I'm loving how Kid understands and embraces each season. I love how Bee collects all kinds of interesting things. Honey lays against my chest, embracing the connection that she seldom gets during the day.
As much as I loathe cold weather and runny noses, I sure do enjoy the forced family time that this season brings. It's almost as if our Creator intended it that way--with the endless activies that summer brings, He knew we needed this time.