Hello Summer!

The air may still be cool, the water may still be freezing, but the sun is out and the skies are blue. And for that, we welcome you!

I also want to thank the amazing Dr. Dobson who seems to have helped significantly with some of the issues with Kid, via the Strong Willed Child. I always thought Bee would be that child, but I am learning more and more Kid possesses the largest will out of all three. Go figure.

And more thanks go out to Vitamin B12, which seems to completely make up for what my body was lacking. I can actually function. Still pregnant? Yes, feeling queezy and tired, but nothing compared to laying on the bed and/or couch all day taking a break just to throw up. Thank you, Vitamin B... you are GREATLY appreciated!

Enjoy that sun! If you are in California, you know we have had quite a lack of it lately.
And isn't Honey the cutest little hesitant nakey baby? She knows how cold that water is!