She's two. It snuck up on me (we've been a bit busy).
Now, her behavior has been preparing me for this day. She very-much acts two. Bringing my tiny babies home from the hospital ensured that she does, in fact, look two.
But something about today being her birthday, making it official, puts me in a slight state of shock.
Could it have been two years since she was birthed into her daddy's hands? Could she really be able to count to thirteen, sing nursery rhymes, recite Bible verses and be creative enough to make up nicknames for her brothers?
Is she really a little girl now? Not the babe that snuggled on her Mommy's chest, hung out in a pink sling, and cooed at her older siblings? She is. She's this special girl.
Filled with a whole lot of sugar, competing amounts of spice, and a smidgen of nice.
Scarlett Hope, you win the hearts of many, but you own the hearts of your family.
Happy Birthday, sweet girl.
*ps, I was hoping to do a special "Birthday Shoot" for her, but alas, there's just not enough time in the day to load five children under 6 to a remote location. However, when I mentioned that we would do "Birthday pictures" for her, she was very specific on the location in our yard and what she wanted to wear...that's my girl.