Kinder Grad

And he's off to first grade!
There is no doubt that I have thrown away his report card along with all of the other crafts, projects, and achievements throughout the year. Praise God I at least have our family journal. Otherwise the kids would wonder if I ever really cared. Truth is, I care a lot. Reality is, I don't care for boxes of papers. Our sentiment is in cyberspace. So for that purpose, I want to record a few things that would otherwise be forgotten.

Kid, it's just Kindergarten, but you are proving to be quite smart.  You excel in every subject, specifically math and reading. You are fluently reading and writing.  You understand a lot of phonics and their rules (because you love rules, I think Spalding is a fantastic program for you) and show that by using them in notes you write me throughout the house. As an example, your latest note (taped on the front door not to miss): "Daddy, please do not forgit to shoot the beebee gun with me and Everett".

Your math skills are quite impressive and explain a lot of your fixations as an infant and toddler.  You love patterns, processes, figures, and statistics.  You are constantly adding and subtracting (including telling me how many miles per hour over the speed limit I am going). I asked you the other day how you knew something (I forget what it was that he had figured out) and you answered "Because I have the mind of an engineer"...and that you do. 

I have learned so much about you in the last year.  For years I fought a lot of what you are about, trying to fit you into what I thought a boy should be, but you have taught me so much.  I am learning to understand you and the way you work.  Your mind is very complex, and you feel as if you have it all figured out.  At times, I feel like I am talking to my grandpa. You old soul, you.

I was concerned about social issues in school as you are my first and you have so many "rules" in your mind of what's fair and just.  I haven't had to worry once since you started.  You get the social system.  You and Kuper tend to spend a lot of time together, but your teacher confirmed that you do play with others as well.  This makes me happy. :-) I was also a bit worried of your relationship with your teacher.  You are proving to have a very strong will when you choose to use it.  It is quite frustrating as you are very driven and stick to whatever it is that you are fixed on winning.  I nearly home schooled you because of this purpose, but am learning that school was the best thing for you.  You received "E's" (Excellent) across the board in your behavior, respect, obedience, and care for others.  Phew!

I have to document this because lately, what you have been "in to" is quite remarkable.  You have memorized quite a few books of the Bible.  You are fascinated with their chapters and verses.  You request to do devotions almost every morning, opening up your Bible and finding a new passage.  You read it all by yourself.  You're not a morning person, but when you start your day in your Bible, you start your day with a smile.  We are so proud of you and your sensitivity to the Lord.

You are very gifted.  You are smart, athletic, and also musical.  The Lord told me a few weeks ago to start piano lessons with you.  We were standing in church and I looked over at you following the rhythm of the music with your hands, moving them high and low as the notes fluctuated and the melody changed.  I am so excited to see how you use your gifts! 

We love you, Carter Stephen, and are here to encourage you and support you on your journey living in God's will!

Kindergarten Class of 2012:
Natalie, Preston, Ryan, Madelyn, Jack, Hosanna, Cody, Gabrielle, Joshua, Emma, Kuper, Evelyn, Carter, and the amazing K teacher, Ms. Spitzer!