After discovering that the twins were identical while being pregnant, I dove into research on the different types of twins. I had learned that identical boys were the most rare form of twins, and to get more specific, mirror-image twins were even more rare.
When the twins were born, I inspected their traits to see if they were mirror image or not. The first thing I noticed was their hair swirl, which ran in the same direction, so I assumed they were not.
Then after weeks of nursing them, I noticed their vein pattern on their bald heads. It was exactly the same but on opposite sides of the head (the things you notice when spending time nursing). They also both have a slightly clogged tear duct, August's is in his left eye, Elias in his right.
August sucks his left fingers, Elias sucks his right.
August sleeps on his tummy, Elias prefers his back.
But today, confirmed that these boys are most likely mirror image.
After feeding them, I laid them down to talk and play. I noticed that August had cut his first tooth in the night! Of course, it was his left side, as his body tends to prefer his left.
I checked Elias, being that they share the exact same DNA, does this mean that their teething patterns are exactly the same? Why yes it does. Elias cut his first tooth, on the right.
I think we're looking in the face of mirror image twins.
Proverbs 24:3-5
By wisdom, a house is built,
and through understanding it is established;
through knowledge it's rooms are filled
with rare and beautiful treasures.
By wisdom, a house is built,
and through understanding it is established;
through knowledge it's rooms are filled
with rare and beautiful treasures.