7 Months

It's that time again.  It makes it even all the more real when doing their little five minute photo shoot.
The babies were super duper fussy about a month or so ago. My guess is that it was a combo of teething and developmental milestones, because they have accomplished a lot in the past few weeks!

-Two teeth!  I mentioned before that they got their first tooth the exact same moment, well, their second came three days later at the exact same time. It's amazing every time!
-Started eating solids
-Now that they are sleeping through the night, they are back in the same crib.
-Rocking on knees, Elias is about to take off, but August is just now popping up.
-Sitting up! This is my favorite development milestone.  Not only is it great for photographs, but they are so much happier when they can sit and control what toys they are playing with.  They look so cute sitting up!
-Moments of recognizing each other as people. (see below)

-August is so happy.  Even if he's not feeling well or tired, he is ridiculously social and smiley.  You can always get a smile out of him. He is also more verbal.  So when he's annoyed or tired, you KNOW.  We like to refer to his noise he makes as the "most annoying sound in the world".  Because it is. And you want to scratch your eyeballs out of your head when it happens.
Ozzie likes food, but prefers the boo boo milk.  He will eat, but just not as much or with as much anticipation.

Elias is laid back but also a bit touchy.  The boys have started noticing each other and grabbing at each other's faces/wrestling... it's so cute, but Li-li just can't hang for long. If Ozzie is pulling on him or patting his head, he gets easily annoyed and upset.  He is very quiet, and even his cry/whine is soothing.

Li-li eats twice as much as Ozzie. He is very excited whenever he sees any type of food. The boy can eat. I'm thinking he is always going to be a tad bigger than his brother. My little mighty man.
We love you two...you are so much fun and delight in our home!