Caged In and Caught Up

The twins are mobile now. It was my plan to get them used to playing in a play pen as a technique to keep them where I can see them. Two in baby jail=bueno.  Two in separate directions ingesting legos=no bueno. 

Things are so busy at the moment.  We only have two in soccer and it seems that it governs our entire week with practices, etc.
I have been doing two shoots a week as of lately and that's a bit too much to balance while still being a Momma.
(two must be the number of the week)
Kid has homework every night which seems kind of crazy to me, but at the same time, he enjoys it, so let it be.  I guess at some point education is not all fun and games.
So with the combination of the above and some other side fun, we are busy.

I get a moment of reality when I think just how busy life will be when all kids are in school and sports.
Wowzers. I suppose it's a different busy as I don't have to plan things around naps and nursing and bringing babies' food to soccer practice.  Aye.

Did you know I don't sit down during the day?  Side note.  But wanted to make sure it's there, for when I am 60 and sitting in my comfy couch in my comfy sweats with an empty house and a fantastic book. I'll remember by reading this that at one point in my life, I did not sit down.  All. Day. 

The babies are eating a lot. Our grocery budget had to be rearranged to accommodate an extra $50/ week in groceries.  This is not even for the jarred stuff (although I always have reserves)...this is primarily for produce.
We go through 24-30 bananas a week.
I am feeding the babies based on Nourishing Traditions/ Weston A. Price Foundation.
Because of that, I am keeping them away from all grains (truth be told, they have eaten a pretzel or two when desperation called).  This means a lot of poopy diapers. Since they're exclusively clothed, that means more laundry.  Whoohoo for me!
Even better?  Because they are not on grains and I don't believe in fortified cereals, they're getting their iron through organic turkey liver.
Did you know liver smells like dog food?
Did you know that digested liver still smells like dog food?
Bet you didn't.  Bet you want to do my cloth diaper laundry.

A la potato/eggplant/carrot with a side of liver, green beans & sea salt:
Ozzie-Man surprised me.  I thought he would spit out the liver being that he is a little more picky than Elias (maybe not more picky, maybe just less of a piggy--semantics, I suppose). He didn't.  He loved it. Boy loves himself some meat. 

Everett and Lulu are doing wonderful at home together.  They are so imaginative.
They both love animals, so these little animals get used for multiple purposes throughout the day.
Today was zoo turned ark turned ranch. 
Girls are so...girls.
The whole concept of "house".  I am not sure how Scarlett learned about it, but she sure knows how to play it.  I have never liked "house" and still don't. Thankfully, Everett will entertain her, but on his own conditions.
"House" consists of Mommy Eagles and Daddy Dragons.  It's mostly chasing and wrestling, with some hiding and searching involved.  Sometimes they will wonder outside into the wilderness to look for their babies.  I can do that kind of house.

Daddy Dragon:
A little bit caught up.
We have a love-token system in our house right now.  It seems to be the ONLY system that hasn't had glitches in it...I'll be back to share the "love" if it continues to stay successful... all I know is that I am getting all kinds of love notes, pushed in chairs, and clothes in their space...without the asking.
That's good stuff when you're a Mommy Eagle!