For the record. Twins are awesome. I think I have written that a few times. But sometimes redundancy can make a point memorable. I want to remember that I had a fantastic time watching these two grow.
Seriously, they are so much fun.
Their first teeth were rough for them, but they didn't even notice the top two coming in. I'm not sure if it's the necklaces or what, but other than a lot of drool and chewing (which is standard for my boys regardless of teething or not), they are in great spirits.
The Ozzie Oz Man...
He's a crack up. He yells at his brother, demands his attention. While Elias is happy to chat for a bit, Ozzie prefers to YELL. Over and over. He seems to have replaced his "most annoying sound in the world" with a high pitched yell. Sweet. It's like music to the ears.
*How cute are these natural wood teethers by Little Sapling Toys? They even made a little bee hive...thanks, guys!
-Both boys are near crawling. Even though Elias has been rocking for a while, his motivation has remained the same. Meanwhile, Ozzie has learned to move to get things he wants. He's such a wiggly thing..
-Down to two naps. They take a 2hr nap in the morning and a 1.5 hr nap in the afternoon. Bedtime is at about 6:30pm and they wake at about 6:30am.
-Recognition. They now recognize each other, grab at each other and scream at each other. They like to pat each other's heads as they nurse. I really need to get a photo before they wean...note to self.
-Eye color seems to be brown with greenish/grey around the edges. They have their Momma's darker skin, thankfully, and look like they may have some strawberry blond coming in! Won't hold my breath, though, they are still incredibly, irresistibly bald. :-)
These two are total celebrities. I heard this about twins but didn't think much of it until we started going places. Aside from my entire tribe being attention causing, the twins tend to get even bikers to turn and chat with them. It can be really fun or really annoying depending on the state of the other littles. But all in all, it's just an incredible experience that I am blessed to be a part of.
You two rock our world!