
A month late. 
On a chair in my bedroom in her normal clothes. 
This is not how it should be done, her yearly portraits, poor girl. 
 But so goes this way of life for her.

Lulu is either going to be tough as nails, or very unhappy with her upbringing.  This child has been forced to grow up faster than any of my others.  She's been taught to act like a boy even when her girly little voice and dainty little hands tell her otherwise.  

She's incredible, yet too often overlooked.  Jason and I spend a lot of time talking about giving her a little extra time here and there, and we do are best to do it, she deserves the world, this three-year-old. 

Although, if we gave her the world, she would take it and run with it and act as if it was hers to operate.  So I suppose she is where she is chosen to be so that she can become who she is destined to be. 

She comes from a line of strong women, with strong opinions and strong faith.  I pray that a little bit of gentleness and grace find her way.
 I remember finding out of her gender, and holding her for the first time.  Something so unique and special about this one.  She's incredibly independent, joyful, easygoing, a winner of hearts.  Rarely does she show her will, yet she has her own ideals and preferences.
She loves people, but can discern a situation in which she chooses to be "shy"... a wise soul.
I am so excited to see what becomes of her.
Happy Birthday, Scarlett Hope.
You are cherished.