We were promised milk and honey. His specific words.
We've endured seven months of transition, barely any income, and yet we wait.

We've been blown away at his provision. We have not wavered in faith. We know that he cares for us, that he loves us, that he will not let us go hungry. And we are far from hungry!
I was chatting with him the other day. Pouring my heart, my concerns, asking for patience in the unknown. I told him how excited I was for the "milk and honey" he had promised.
...Nothing like a little slap on the wrist.
He answered in his way, "What makes you think that this, right now, is not your milk and honey"?
Kindly lifted from all of the ugliness of self.
I was running at the time.
I stopped. I opened my eyes to what was around me.
I had a large, beautiful family to walk into.
They are healthy. Thriving.
I have a community that is absolutely amazing, and I am a part of that.
A group a friends--solid as a rock.
While we may be reliant on every single penny that enters this household, we are more reliant on him. People have been blessing us left and right.
Both of us, bringing near-equal incomes in, it may be a long road. We've recently accepted that. This is our milk and honey. The fruit from this time, we will choose to see it now.
I will never get this moment back.
I shouldn't be aspiring to push through it, I should be grateful to be in it.

Since our little "adjustment" conversation, I have been choosing to do just that. And you know what... there is milk and honey flowing every which way. I'm going to share one example that is such a silly little story, but confirms just how much God loves me. :-)

Our family left town to flee from the thick cloud of smoke (another story I need to catch up on)... we headed to the in-laws to have some clear air & what we called our "evacucation"... anyway, I was driving alone with the kids home. We had made several stops and I was exhausted.
As we passed a town about an hour from our home, I kind of sighed, wishing I didn't have the kids with me because there was a thrift store I loved hitting up on road trips.
The Lord told me to go in.
I wrestled with him...so silly, over a thrift store!
I really didn't want to take them all out of the car, bring them in, just to find nothing (as thrift stores are so extremely hit and miss). I had $10 left in my wallet for the rest of the week. I told him that.
Obviously he knew. :-)
He told me to go. So obeyed. I went in.
On the rack, in the children's section was a group of GAP skinny jeans, size 3T! Four pairs. There was also a few vintage tops and dresses all for Lulu. It happen to be the day that clothing was half off. I left with 9 items, and paid $8.96.
Just prior to leaving town, I had cleaned out her closet. I laughed with him that he knew she had outgrown all of her summer clothes and needed an entire season of clothes. He knew. He had already placed them there for me.
Milk and honey.

You know, it's been prosperous. Milk and honey can mean provision. Yes.
But the growth, it's been so nutritious and so sweet.
I am finally getting to see what he means by it.
I'm honored that he would choose for us to do this, with such a large responsibility of feeding and clothing five kids, but I guess he knew we would listen.

And on a complete side note... aren't they becoming so fun? Wrestling with their "bubba" is their newest favorite thing to do. They were so loud when I put them down for their nap, I decided to see what the laughing was about! So blessed!