Before and After (2 years later)

 I can't believe I am just now posting these, yet then again, I can.  It's been such an incredible two years, so FULL.  And I just never got around to it!  Partly because things never seemed finished, partly because it seemed like a lot to have both rooms open and available to shoot. :-)
 I posted years ago, 8 months pregnant with the twins this image.  It was a cost-effective plan to add on a bedroom and entry to help make room in our small home for our small twins.  It's been a great addition.

There is an amazing "God story" behind how we were able to make the addition, the teams of friends and family coming to help with it and the super salvage skills that it took to get all of the materials to fit in our budget.

It was stressful, but so fulfilling.  And now, it's a part of our home, just as the twins are a part of our family.  

Here is the before of the entry/ entrance to the boys' room:
(this is looking from the living room.  The door shown was a doorway to the garage, stairs lead up to the converted loft which is now our bedroom (Carpet still there, yuk!).
(view from the cut out/ door way)
There are two french doors behind the lockers that open to a laundry room and tiny bathroom which has been designated for the boys.  This is the only part of the house that is still original (and it's not a pleasant scene!).
(previous garage, looking at door way into the home)
The wood panels are from scrap trim, stained or painted different colors we had in the shop.  I originally wanted a beam to show, but the header wasn't too pretty, so these worked. I'm pleased with how it turned out.
My neighbor tore down his old split rail fence.  I grew up with one that lined the property.  Too much nostalgia to pass up!  He gave me a few pieces (one hangs above our bed).  Loved the moss on this piece.
 I found these lockers from a salvage yard for $60 (never mind that I used about $50 worth of gas to go pick them up!).  
Aside from painting over a few profanities, they're in original, rusty bliss condition... Loved them just as they came.  
We added plain wood and hooks for all of the backpacks, ergos, purses,'s typically much more full over there!
The lockers hold everyone's shoes and keep the dirt contained and away from the rest of the house (I suppose that's why the call it a mud room).
 Our entry:
(everyone was so kind offering items hanging around in their barn (like this door), old windows, old wood. Seriously, this was a group effort to make room for the babies... 
(see the blue painting tape on the ground?  This was the outline for our plan) Also, here's a look of the cinder block our whole home is made of before we plastered over it!)
(Hang tight, the room is definitely still in transition.  I have exciting news to share about this space very soon!)

So there you have it! I've hesitated to post picts of this space because it's never been exactly how I wanted it... but I wanted to make sure to show it as it is now... everything thrifted and very much a joint project with my two little outdoorsmen. (you can certainly pick up on their interests!)


Currently I am a part-time photographer.  While I don’t have an official photography page, this blog is used as a way to connect with me, contact me, and get a feel for my work.  You may also visit my Facebook page, which is currently my online “portfolio”. 
Please contact me regarding pricing and booking:

Lenses are listed in the order of preference.  
Most blog images are shot with my 50mm.
Nikon D700
50mm lens 1.4
70-200mm lens 2.8
24-70mm lens 2.8